Stop Gambling and Start Stacking

in LeoFinance4 months ago

In the investment world you often hear of people day trading. Honestly it can be fun and is the more gamey way towards investing. However it comes with massive risk and has been proven time and time again that stacking and holding assets instead of trying to day trade them into larger assets plays out better for the vast majority of people.

Now that's not to say some day traders don't make any money. Some do very well but when you start to look at the statistics of it all you realize quickly it's like going to the casino and gambling. Betting on one token over the other to have a increase and then constantly just moving those funds.

But there's a better away a way I've been using for a long while now with much success. It's why you don't see more nor will you ever see me trade in my stacks of BTC and ETH into hive or any other currency. For those of you who don't know I got involved with bitcoin when it was priced around $115 each and Ethereum right out of the gate with an average buy in value of just $11. Yep, $11!!!! If I would have known what I know now I would have dumped my entire paycheck into it lol Doing so would have meant that work I did 12 years ago for $11 a hour would now be worth over $2,000 a hour. It kind of blows your mind a bit but also shows the power of stacking and holding in assets you believe in.

Stacking Options

There's many stacking options now compared to back in the day. Back in the day you really only had a single option. You either mined the tokens and held on to them hoping they would go up in value for all the electricity you just used or you bought it with your paycheck or money being earned.

This buying is what many refer to as dollar cost averaging or DCA. What it means is every day, week or month you buy a certain amount of token or tokens no matter the price. So for example lets say you're just going to stack $BTC you would setup a daily, weekly or monthly buy order to pick up BTC each time.

$10 daily, $100 weekly or $1,000 monthly are examples of this. Over time the idea is instead of trying to predict the markets and buy at what you feel are low times you dollar cost average in. Some days you might end up buying in for a high amount and other days you might hit an all time low. Over time this should average out and if the asset is good grow over time.

This chart here shows what would have happened if you invested $100/ weekly starting 5 years ago. You would have turned a deposit of $26,100 over those 5 years into $41,509 or a 59% increase even with the massive bull run and bear cycle.

Go back 7 years and you're now looking at a massive 205% gain on your 36,600 investment.

Alright so now what we have the age old method out of the way I want to get into some of the new stuff. Crypto has evolved a lot in just the last few years. 7 years ago you pretty much had 3 core cryptos. Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin as the primary focuses.

The New Age

Now you have more ways than ever to stack and grow your crypto. Mining no longer is crazy expensive and often costs far less then it would over time with other methods. Proof of work concepts are expensive and a lot of that value goes into hardware and electric costs. If you're able to produce your own electric for free then I would say mining makes sense ALWAYS with your excess power. If you're like many others though there are now more ways than ever to start growing your stacks and building them.

Proof of stake is one of the first and was ushered in by peercoin back in 2012. From there many other cryptos now use this proof of stake method. If you don't want to run a node yourself there are options such as Coinbase etc to stake your tokens and still earn a decent APR on them. Of course this comes at some risk since the platform you're staking on could cut and run with your crypto. Running your own node also comes with some risks if you're doing something you shouldn't be on the node and get blocked.

Outside of that you now have gaming such as Splinterlands these games offer up a bunch of new ways to stack assets like NFTs and crypto along with DeFi also known as gamefi etc.

But there's an even lower risk way to stack with hive in particular and that's through content engagements. By using Threads on InLeo by creating worthy threads and commenting on other threads you can generate crypto which then also generates in itself through various APRs for holding the tokens such as curation rewards.

You can also earn by writing high quality articles such as the one I'm writing right now. This type of article will earn me some crypto in terms of Hive, LEO and HBD along with a few other community tokens which all will earn APR and curation rewards on top of them.

As you can see with some work and investment you can quickly start building stacks of crypto compared to what you could do many years ago. It's time to get stacking and get creative with your stacking. There's legit no reason to sell out for other tokens for the most part and by focusing down on some of your own goals over time you'll start to see your wealth generate like crazy. It won't happen over night but I encourage you to stick with it for a full year and see where you are from today.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Pleasing reading, managing portafolios is quite dependendant of the personality of each person, hodling requires long vision and a bit of faith if you aren't informed about your investement. Everyone needs to DYOR!

Wow 😮, yes I personally do try to avoid trading most of the time. Staking and collecting them is a good thing. DCA is a great strategy to get good returns (in long term). Many are happy in short term that is ok too. But to make a real wealth we need to have patience. Thanks for sharing great post.

!giphy great

@sagarkothari88 vote 20%

Hey @bitcoinflood! sagarkothari88 upvoted based on request from @bhattg
Hive Curators Join Discord | Support Witness | Follow Curation Trail
Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️

This is an interesting, useful useful and also motivating article!
I keep accumulating tokens in projects where I see potential and usefulness, and Hive and Hive games occupy an important place
@tipu curate

You must be killin' it out here!
@libertycrypto27 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @bitcoinflood.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@bitcoinflood! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ libertycrypto27. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

I remember when Ethereum was $30. I didn't have the foresight to go all in. It's something I really regret.

When I decided to go into crypto last year I had a few coins in mind to start buying to latter on sell them until I stumble with Hive, fascinate me multiple ways to earn by writing and commenting you can earn directly like you were actually a mining machine although by creating some content, on top can buy and stack more, have never got into the gaming side of Hive but this is something few other blockchain have that is not just speculation in terms of a token to just go up, I guess writing a post and waiting for ppl to vote is speculation too but if you remain active ppl start to notice and got your back by putting up some upvotes into your content, one day there will be something that will kick in things big for Hive, no trading, you control your coins, stable coin within the same system, low fees, what else could we ask , only thing missing is interoperability with other chains

Did you get rekt? LOL. Nah, I hear you. I just stopped day trading myself. People get into it thinking they can get rich quick but find out that's not the case, the hard way, lol.

I have been successful with day trading, but, it is very risky, and you have to be able to manage the stress. Lately, I haven't been trading with enough to warrant day trading as I was getting eaten up in fees.

Swing trading is way less stressful if you want to flip, which I love the flip. When done right, it's no different than flipping a house, actually much easier. You just have to be patient and wait for the right setups.

Great article though! Wish I would have caught things that early, lol. I got into ETH pretty cheap, but flipped it all into HIVE as I was building out these businesses.

Hell ya simple as that!

In gambling terms, you can also post and engage enough to make enough house money so that you can day trade! I also love swing trading HBD and Hive....well the ones I don't hoard away in savings and HP. But those ones ALSO gain APR and returns from those stakes. Oh! Then magically you will discover Hive Engine and login to find $500 worth of other tokens of variable value and function.

Most fun you will have in a marathon!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( bitcoinflood ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
libertycrypto27 tipped bitcoinflood
underlock tipped bitcoinflood
bhattg tipped bitcoinflood
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great post, I need to start using Leothreads more. In my opinion, putting HBDs into savings seems like an excellent way to stop betting

I think "staking" and by default stacking is going to be one of the big buzzwords of the next bull run. Don't quote me on that though!

Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @bitcoinflood.
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!1UP Good work!


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