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RE: Gathering value at the Content

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

I think it's just how media is presented in the last 10-15 years that it always has to try to be new and unique. This leads to concepts being pushed further and further to the edge just to get eyeballs.

An example is the reality show Survivor. Not sure if you watched it before, but I enjoyed watching the very first season of it when Richard Hatch won it and watched a fair few seasons after that. Nowadays, the show is edited till it's like a soap opera and I cringe when I see it on the telly.

I think repetition is good in most things we do in life. My favourite is visiting the same place/country at different stages in your life. I was lucky to be able to travel and study abroad when I was younger and visiting where I studied at different stages of my life let me appreciate different aspects of the environment I was in. Most people don't get why I like going back to the same place to visit cos they are looking for the next better and new thing, maybe to post on socials.