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RE: Could HBD Completely Change Hive?

Having a stablecoin with feeless transactions indeed can open up the potential for a myriad of applications. A perfect showcase for blockchain technology.

Regarding the interest, indeed it has to be something that is sustainable for the long term. Whatever percentage that ends up being. If we can make it high, great. The point for me is to make it more attractive than holding cash in a bank. We're offering a new type of bank with long-term predictability and security, but with additional benefits like community ownership, no hidden fees, high interest, instantaneous feeless transactions, and more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The point for me is to make it more attractive than holding cash in a bank.

That is achieved already, presuming price stability. Even a 5% interest payout is much greater than the banks right now. If the payment is moved up to 7% or 9%, then it is a lot higher than banks are providing.

So in that regard, it is better than cash. However, people are right to make the point how does it compare to what else is out there. It is a fine line because do we want HBD to be solely utilized for the return. We have HIVE for that.

I think having it as a transacting token is much more valuable. The payoff to the ecosystem would be much greater.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta