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RE: AskLeo - What Crypto Do You Regret Not Buying This Spring?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I don't have any regrets as I am currently scrimping and scrounging, I'm currently building on hive blockchain.
Definitely, next year I'd have regrets.

As an emotional person, regrets is no always far away.
When you just have the go, just make it happen immediately but as you mentioned that you don't have much faith in Ape coin except for the fact that you could make profit, that's not a regret to me.
It's better to stay safe in the shallow water than to use a pool float in the deep waters.
Other opportunities would arise.

It's crypto anyway anything can happen.


Yeah, I'm guilty of not listening to my gut when I should.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Lesson learnt, shoot your shot and take the reward or the penalty.
Just like Warren Buffet said, "don't take a dive into new waters with both feet."

Test the water with one foot.

This experience would make you a better crypto investor.