Friday Finance 6/24/2022: What did I miss?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

finance Friday.png

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the Leo community.

As I mentioned in my post yesterday, I have been "offline" for a week or so. Besides the trip to Nashville that my wife and I took in the Spring, this was the biggest trip we had planned this year.

As you might have read, my laptop which I had planned to use every now and then over vacation promptly died our first night there. You also may have read that I forgot to bring the powercord, so any Hiving that was to be done over break had to happen on my phone.

On top of all that, we were in an area of the state where cellular service isn't the best, so I ended up missing out on a lot of the crypto happenings over the past week.

As such, this will not be your typical Friday Finance post.


I continue to be impressed with the Listnerds team. I think they are doing some pretty great stuff over there. Unfortunately, what many of us anticipated has happened....

When the first large unstakes started happening after the 10 week period, some people promptly dumped their tokens and it sent the price of the ListNerds token into a steep decline.

Where the token used to be around 1.5 Hive per Listnerds token, it was trading at around .2 Hive per token for a while.

Again, we all knew it was going to happen, but you would have hoped that people might have a better handle on their greed. It's not the un-staking that is bad, many of us are doing it in fact. The difference is, we are un-staking a significantly smaller portion than we are staking.

When sold in smaller batches, you can get a nice return without completely tanking the price of the token. However, some people are just in it for the quick buck, and they don't honestly care about the token or any of the other users on the chain.

I have to admit, it was disappointing to see our fears realized.

The team actually addressed this in their Discord and it sounds like they have some really cool ideas for the future of the Listnerds token, so holding onto some of them might have been a better plan for those people who dumped.

Building something great takes time. Even in crypto where things seem to move at blazing speeds.



As someone mentioned in another post (I can't remember who now), we are right around 30 days left on the SPS airdrop. It is a little hard to believe it has been that long already. For a while now, I have had the number 100,000 in my head in terms of how much SPS I would like to have staked. As of today, I am just about 500 to 1000 SPS away from that goal.

Given how much SPS I make per day from the various sources, I should be able to surpass my goal by next week.

With that in mind, I think I might stop staking my SPS once I get to that goal of 100K. SPS is going to be used for purchase of the mini-expansion packs that are on the horizon and I would like to get as many of those as possible. I was earlier than some, but later than others to the Azmure Dice packs and I think I made some beneficial moves with those.

I've been known to struggle quite a bit with keeping tokens liquid. If there is the chance to stake something, I usually go that route and end up causing myself grief by not having a liquid bag.

Let's see if I can avoid that mistake with SPS...

I think there is lots of future potential with that token and once the airdrop dries up and more use cases pop up for the token, the price will increase accordingly.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I haven't really had much time for Listnerds lately but I do wish I can get back to it.

As for Splinterlands, I think I will just stake what I get and take profits with the VOUCHERS when I can. I don't really think I will buy any of the new packs if I have to pay in SPS.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yay! 🤗
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Thanks for the insights.

I'm currently staking and delegating PoB, Neoxag, SPT and many other tokens on Hive engine, they aren't worth much. but re-investing everyday I'm hoping they will start to pile up faster.

With SPS at a measly $0.054 last time I looked there is definitely room for a price increase in my opinion, might be worth buying some, something I have been considering since it went sub $0.10.

I am pretty sure I picked some extra up at these low prices too. It didn't all come from the airdrop.

I think the prices will spike when the new set comes out

Then it will be time to buy packs or sell SPS

Good to have you back fella! It was a shame to see the buy wall fall. I'm so far away from having any unstaked LNs though that I would never have made it 😆

Yeah. I don't even know where I am at. I was hoping they might add a countdown or something but that is pretty low priority right now. They did a bit of work to fix the wall for now.

I hope you’re having a great time.

I guess the only way to curb mass sell off like was seen on Listnerds is to create a greater reason to hold the token. Cool to see the team is working to get this in place.

I was just telling someone the other time, I don’t have nearly enough sps and it scare me. 😖

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I feel the same way about SPS. Especially given how much I know some other people are holding.

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🚨🚨🚨Airdrop Alert 🚨🚨🚨

UHIVE Metaverse Adoption Airdrop

GET 100 HIVE and 30000 HVE2 Token Airdrop


On 20th June Uhive Started Their Official partnership with Hive and Steemit community.
For mass adoption towards metaverse they announced their Community Airdrop.
All the members from Hive and Steemit are Eligible for this airdrop.

Airdrop breakdown

Hive user will get 100 HIVE and 30000 HVE2 Airdrop
Steemit users will get 100 STEEM and 30000 HEV2 Airdrop

This airdrop whitelist will be closed in 72hrs