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RE: More and More Crypto Wallets

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I feel like needing to have so many different wallets opens the door to you losing access to your funds more easily. Either your forgot a password or lose a private key or pass phrase. That or you use the same passcode for all of them just to make it easier and now they are even less secure than they could be. Is that really as unsafe as having all your cyrpto in a single wallet? It's hard to say I think.


It's been a bit of a nightmare really. I have like stacks of hardware wallets and notes all over just so I don't lose access lol I think it's a little less secure that way.

I have one particular key that started on Exodus that I use for most wallets that I have tried. So I just use the same key across different wallets to test them out to see which one I like the best, or for use on different wallets, like Metamask, or even the Brave wallet. It's just what is easier for the user. Just makes life easy for me to keep up with one key phrase.

I totally agree!