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RE: DEFI Aggregators Bringing It All Together

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I messed around a bit with 1inch in the past, but I didn't really have a ton of luck with it. I think I even owned some of their gas token at one point. It didn't really seem to impact the fees like I thought it would. I decided to go a different direction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


What would you say was the cost-saving on the gas token? less than 2% I haven't tried it yet myself. What route are you going for now?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I moved pretty much everything over to the BSC and then I am doing the WAX side of things. That has been doing really well for me. I can't remember the cost savings. It might have been maybe $10 difference on gas. So instead of $45 the tx would have been $35. That was when prices were higher than they are now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta