
No I haven't. You mentioned it in your post but did you get more details?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No, not yet.

I remember them from the 2017 bull run.

They have a hardcore army of followers on Twitter which I'm sure sucked your mate in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That could be it. I don't see him as much of the Twitter sort, but who knows... Any recent developments from them or just plugging along like everyone else?

Naa sorry man, I haven't followed it.

I hope he got in down the bottom of that chart though!

Screen Shot 20210813 at 10.27.50 am.png

(I just know he bought the top of that 2nd spike though...)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Isn't that how it usually works?

Never heard of them! I'll have to look them up

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta