
To answer calls on weekend? Yes, it does take the 'right kind of teacher' - not a classroom teacher. If kids are struggling with mental health, teachers do need to be aware of it and assist them accordingly in the classroom, but they aren't paid to counsel - that's the job of school counsellors and those trained in mental health. If a kid rang me at home I'd worry how they got my number as that completely blurs the boundaries between professional teaching and a different kind of relationship. I'd immediately call their parents or the school counsellor as they are far more trained to deal with it than classroom teachers are. In fact, teachers put themselves at risk by taking on that role. We are asked not to have that kind of relationship with the students, but perhaps it's different in America.

Perhaps it's different in America.

As for work on weekends - marking, student feedback and help and so on, it should be done in school hours. I strongly believe that that should be the professional stance. In any other industry, you call out of hours, you get an answer phone service.

I see I said teachers. That's not what I meant. My wife is a school social worker. Though she does teach SEL. Though as the technology Director I get the alerts too and I have had to submit reports to protective services on the weekend. Mandated reporter and all that.

Ahhh well that makes sense. It's actually her job! Sorry about crossed wires.