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RE: Cryptocurrency: Owning A Piece Of The Pie

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I know you have been talking about the tokenization of everything for quite a while now. I still don't think I am seeing the full picture, but it is definitely becoming clearer. I think the first real breakthrough for me was when you started talking about MiamiCoin and the potential it has. That's when the whole tokenization of everything idea started becoming a little clearer to me. Great post!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


What are you missing? Why are you having such a tough time grasping it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

From a high level I am not seeing how everything can be tokenized. I never would have thought a city could be either though, so I just need to think about it some more. It's not that I am not grasping it, I just need real world examples to point to.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Anything can have a digital twin represented by a token.

For example, an autonomous car could be tokenized and it have different people buy the token. A work of art can be tokenized. A building.

We can get paid for activity through tokenization. That can be walking (ala @actifit), eating healthy, or for watching particular shows.

Any community can be tokenized. Just like Hive/LEO/STEM, would could extend this to a church group, sports team, neighborhood, or movie cast.

Any business can be tokenized just like a corporation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta