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RE: They Can't Compete: Twitter's New Subscription Feature

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I was pretty hesitant to start using Twitter in the first place. If they moved to some kind of paid tiered system like that I would likely drop it and never look back. Especially if Project Blank is out by then. It just seems like another suck of my time for zero benefit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well it seems like there will still be the free stuff. These are new features that they are going to charge for. So nothing will change on that end except they will likely promote the hell out of the paid service all over the site.

Yes ProjectBlank will be a much better solution, we just need to see the light of day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The fear is that many times they strip features you were used to out of the free version and move them to the paid. I think that would make a lot of people angry yet they would likely still pay. Unless there is an alternative.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta