Right Place Wrong Time?

in LeoFinance2 years ago


I was driving into work this morning and my mind started drifting through all of the potential topics I could write about today. Eventually, I started thinking about crypto as well as blockchain and the increasing amount of development that is taking place.

That in turn led me to start thinking about the fact that prices are still pretty low across the board. At least compared to where we were several months ago. I guess in the grand scheme of things, we are still doing pretty well all thing considered.

I'm sure you have heard the sayings "right place at the right time" or "wrong place at the wrong time". Better yet, I am sure you can think of an occasion or two where one of those sayings applied to a moment in your life.

My wandering mine eventually led me to the idea that maybe we are in the right place at the wrong time. Stick with me here...

As much as (some of us) were happy about the influx of institutional money into crypto, I can't help but think how different things might be if we weren't couple to the traditional markets. Like I said, there is a ton of development going on in most viable (and some not so viable) crypto projects right now. It seems like every day I am reading about this project or that project releasing an update or added integration or something similar.

With so much happening each and every day in the crypto world, it feels like we should be riding on a rocket strait past the moon and halfway to Mars by now.

Yet here we are, coupled to the traditional markets and wallowing in the FUD mud.

You might see how it can be easy to start thinking that this is the absolute wrong time to be in the right place.

Of course those are just the knee jerk reactions to circumstances that are out of our control. I think we can all agree that (almost) any investment in crypto at this point in time is definitely the right thing to do.

I was having a conversation with a friend and his relative the other day and my friend pointed out how many of the well known financial advisors are anti-crytpo.

I am pretty sure I was more than a little flippant as I blew him off and started explaining how people like that are dinosaurs. Trying to hold onto a dying system. Crypto is a meteor and many of the people who hold similar beliefs are going to find themselves in the wrong place at the right time. In fact, one could say they are already there.

Many of us have heard it ad nauseam, but I really like the parallel between the current state of crypto and the early days of the Internet. I made a point of mentioning that. I think we are all aware there are a ton of crap coins out there. Just like there were a ton of lousy IPO's when the .com bubble burst.

While it might sometimes feel like the wrong place or the wrong time to be invested in crypto, I think as long as we are stacking, we are most definitely in the right place at the right time.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


crypto have a way of dealing with our emotion but as long as we don't quit and we keep building we will get there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very good points. It can be a quite emotional ride at times!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great topic to talk and think about. Geezzz.. It sometimes feels good to be a little early to the party if you know what I mean. Getting in on the ground level has it's perks and it's drawbacks, that's for sure. They also say "Timing is everything." I wonder where we stand on that one?! lol. Those old school, hard lined investors can suck it. hehehe. Hey.. If it doesn't work out for us, at least we had fun dreaming it would! That's good enough for me. 😁

Yeah, that is a good point. Even it if all falls apart, we have made some great connections and relationships here. I don't really see that happening, but you never know I guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think as long as we are stacking, we are most definitely in the right place at the right time.

This is the main point of been in Crypto to stake and Invest for a higher benefits to gain.

As long as the project sticks around!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I alwys get motivation by my fellow friends with whom we engage in crypto and I can say we are on the right track and not ceasing. Thank you for this post.

No problem! Thanks for the great comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am in a few investor groups and although some have some crypto holdings, the main thinking is that it is a ponzi scheme and many of the coins are scams. You cannot change their minds, unfortunately. Also, alot of the investors are already very wealthy and do not feel the need to learn a new asset class. Which also makes sense when you think of the old adage, find something that works and then repeat, repeat, repeat.

Great article!!

Yeah, I can see that. I think there are some bad projects out there, but you have to learn not to bundle them all together. I also get the feeling a lot of people don't actually know what a ponzi scheme is and they just throw around that word because there is such a negative connotation behind it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly Bozz. I think it is up to the younger, newer investors seeking their fortunes to try and exploit the opportunities of crypto. Let's see.

People do not realize what is before them. Blockchain is distributed ledger technology](https://leofinance.io/@leoglossary/leoglossary-distributed-ledger-technology-dlt) and one like Hive[ is decentralized to the point that the ledger is controlled by nobody.

This allows for projects such as Leofinance to be created. Here we see an expansion of what is taking place.

Your friend is completely clueless as most are. Ask him/her if movies are still rented from Blockbuster?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very good point!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Financial advisors in the US cannot trade anything that is not regulated even for themselves. So as much as they might want to they legally can't. I did hear somewhere that on of the big financial companies had or was going to have a crypto fund.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think there is a lot of talk out there. Who knows...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's still the early stages of the crypto world and I know there is a lot of crap out there. I keep seeing the huge pushback in the gaming space but I can't really blame them when you see what the crypto games look like in comparison to their own words.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I have seen a lot of that from the gaming space too. I think the just need to see a real example of what it could be and then they will be good. Up till now we haven't really seen that yet except maybe Splinterlands, but even then, that is a different breed of game than what these people are looking for.

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