On Hive we do need downvotes in some cases but once they are used as a tool for abuse change is needed we must not allow the Hive Police to kill Hive

in LeoFinance9 months ago

On Hive we do need downvotes in some cases but once they are used as a tool for abuse change is needed we must not allow the Hive Police to kill Hive we all know having great power can change people the Hive Police needs to go we need new Hive Police or Hive helpers who can guide users on how Hive works and how not to get downvoted

The Hive Police now is run by a bunch of scammers farmers thieves and abusers at bilpcoin We have been attacked by the Hive Police and gang for months now no comments left just downvote abuse @guiltyparties is in charge of the Hive Police he uses the @logic account too and we noticed the @steemcleaners has been sending fund to the logic account to buy splinterlands packs and other things you can check transactions for yourself https://hiveblocks.com/@logic https://hiveblocks.com/@steemcleaners

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