
I didn't count the days :)

I did the math from my start day

That's unreal stats.

Wow, I'm surprised. I've been consistent it's like 250 post in 365.

That is my belief in what it takes to be a success here.

Congratulations. I have missed days in the past so that is an accomplishment.

Try not to miss any more.

I have an actifit plus a different post. I am trying to get both out. If I miss one or time one wrong, the other should back me up.

That's the winning attitude

wow! every single day??!!!

Every single

wow I could never. Well, I've done it a few months but no every day

I am sure you could. #Hive has become one of the most important parts of my life.

This stats is unreal

I hope it shows my dedication to #Hive.

That's amazing! Congrats

Thank you. It is more dedication in my eyes than amazing. I live and breathe #Hive.

Your dedication of course is impressive. Coming to Hive and starting at once and then keeping it straight until now, wow!

Thanks so much

You're very welcome.

And all the best as you keep on Hiving :)