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RE: Cryptocurrency: Money Was Always In The Hand Of Private Entities

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Obviously business is the only way to creat real wealth thats more reason why people with good business are always getting richer we can see all of this with rich people around the world,but I think crypto with time will also help to close the gap between the way the rich keeps accumulating wealth through their business because it's not everyone that has the money or technical know-how to start a business,so with the simplicity of crypto and with Little investment in cryptos wealth can be grown.


There are many reasons why the people seem to accumulate more. One is our misperception that all wealthy keep growing. There are many who go from the penthouse to the outhouse.

Of course, that is not all. Those with business and investing sense keep building and growing things. Yet the Vanderbilts proved fortunes could be lost.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I agree that fortune could be lost, that is only if it's not well managed