Why Men Will Ditch Society And Send Crypto To The Stratosphere

in LeoFinancelast month

Up until very recently, men had been the gender responsible for building and protecting society. Even before civilization began, for tens of thousands of years it was the man's role to hunt, gather, and protect. This had made it possible for women to stay at home and nurture, and for the sexes to live in harmony.

This custom had lasted up until a few decades ago, when young men used to spend a lot of their energy courting a woman to marry and have a family with. But something unnatural has happened over the past few decades that has driven more and more men to abandon their traditional roles, and eventually direct their attention elsewhere.

In this article we are going to discuss the reasons why men have been dropping out of society, and the ramifications it will have on the cryptocurrency space.


Due to cultural brainwashing, a lot of women these days have adopted the attitude of not needing a man in their lives. Instead of attracting a man with resources, which has been the tradition throughout history, they have been encouraged to either start their own business or pursue a career. This wasn't the case just a few decades ago, when the norm was to be courted by a good man, who would provide for both her and her children.

TV shows like Sex And The City and artists like Beyonce have been permitted to indoctrinate modern women into believing that a career-focused lifestyle is better than getting married to an average man and raising a family. The media have essentially lied to women, telling them that if they're a "boss babe" who climbs the corporate ladder and earns a lot of money, she will attract a high-value man into her life for marriage in her 30s or 40s.


From a woman's perspective it makes sense, because she views reaching a high-status position in a corporation as attractive. What she fails to realize is that men are not attracted to the same things women are. Men are sexually attracted to healthy young women, who are feminine and nurturing, not to her degrees, finances, or life experience.

That being the case, the best time for a woman to find a husband would be in her early 20s, not in her 30s or 40s as Sex And The City would have her believe. Telling a woman to be strong and independent goes against her feminine nature, which has always been to attract a strong man to rely upon.

Concealing Evolutionary Truths

The media have been lying to men as well, telling them that woman are attracted to emotional men who bring flowers, shower them with attention, and cave into their demands. While this behavior will definitely build rapport with a woman and earn a man a spot in her friend zone, she will never be sexually attracted to this behavior, as it demonstrates weakness and a lack of options on the man's part. In order to be attractive to a woman, a man has to embrace his god-given masculinity.

Men are genetically predisposed to be dominant leaders, stoic decision makers, and physically strong protectors. Woman are naturally attracted to these masculine traits because that is what has made a man a good choice for the survival of both her and her offspring. Men have always been the dominant gender throughout our entire evolution with women in supportive roles, and a few decades of social conditioning will not change our internal wiring.

Just as you cannot force a fish to walk on land after it evolved over millions of years to swim, you cannot force a woman to be sexually attracted to a submissive, agreeable and accommodating man, because deep down inside she desires strength. Thanks to these lies from Hollywood and Disney, it's no wonder men are so confused and frustrated when it comes to attracting and retaining woman in this modern age.

After coming to realize how this feminist indoctrination has made so many western women unwifable, more and more men are starting to search for a traditional woman in foreign countries. And while feminism hasn't been so widely adopted in places like South-East Asia, Eastern Europe, or South America, there are still several other factors that make dating a struggle for the average man.

Social Media

Starting with Facebook in 2004, and followed shortly thereafter by Instagram in 2010, the dating market has been radically skewed in favor of woman, due to the excessive attention they receive from men on these platforms. Even average-looking women constantly receive friend requests, likes, and direct messages from hundreds of men (simps) who are desperately trying to get their attention.

And we're not only talking about increased attention from the average man, but sometimes from celebrities, professional athletes, and business executives too. A woman now has access to high-value men all over the world, some of whom are willing to fly her out just to have some fun. This social media exposure has led to the unrealistic expectation that even average women deserve a tall, attractive and rich man for a long-term relationship.

Let's consider how only a few decades ago, the options available to a woman were constrained to her local town or community, and when she eventually "settled" for a man, society would have shamed her for cheating, and her options after a divorce would have been limited.

In the social media age however, woman have unlimited options, and that makes her constantly wonder if she got the best deal. Divorce rates are climbing, and it's often the women who initiate them. Men are increasingly hesitant to commit to a someone who is constantly receiving friend requests and messages from good looking and high-value men on social media.

Some women will claim that worrying about the possibility of her cheating makes a man "insecure", but such claims don't negate the hypergamous nature of women, which is to constantly assure herself that she settled for the best option. As social media becomes ever more accessible to the modern woman, most men are giving up on dating entirely, and focusing their attention elsewhere.

Smart Phones

As if social media didn't ruin the dating scene enough, smartphones came out in 2007 to provide women with a constant stream validation, in effect substituting the attention she once craved from her boyfriend or husband.

In the year 2024, most woman are glued to their smartphone to not only keep in touch with their friends and family, but also to receive non-stop validation from men all around the world via apps like Instagram, Facebook, and others (which we'll cover later).

It used to be that we had to sign on to our email and social media accounts from a desktop computer, and the rest of the day we were by ourselves or with a few friends. The smartphone has given women access to a non-stop flow of validation and attention that her boyfriend could never hope to compete with.

Not only do woman have access to unlimited attention on their handheld devices, they can also use it to setup a date within just minutes, something that would take an average man weeks or months of rejection, ghosting, and flaking to accomplish.

Dating Apps

To make matters even worse, apps like Tinder, Bumble and Hinge have given women even more dating options to choose from. These days, all a woman needs to do is snap a few selfies and tap a few buttons to create herself an online dating profile, and hundreds of men will show up almost instantaneously, liking her profile and sending her messages asking for a date.

Of course, the vast majority of men available on these apps (IE: the ones woman would have been socially pressured to marry back in the 50s and 60s) are of no interest to modern women. Based on the attention she has received from high-value men on social media, most of these guys are either too short, too ugly, too weird, or don't earn enough money to get a date.

Eventually the average men are all brushed aside, and these women end up disappointed by the tall, handsome, and rich playboys who have absolutely no reason to settle down, given the insane number of options they have. Average men are waking up to this fact, and no longer want to be the man that she settles with, especially after all those other men have raised her expectations sky high.

These days, men have to work 5x harder than his grandfather to marry a girl worth 10x less than his grandmother.

Given unlimited options, and left to her own devices, a women will succumb to her emotions every time, and eventually start to complain "where have all the good men gone?". The truth is that a strong father could have chosen a good man for her all along.

Disposable & Replaceable

In today's dating market, women are suffering from what's known as the paradox of choice.

Consider, for example, how easy it would be to decide among three shampoos at a small store, versus a supermarket that has upwards of 500 shampoos on display. In the second store, you struggle to make a decision because there are too many options in front of you, and you worry that you might pick the wrong one.

Relative to the dating scene only a couple of decades ago, women are simply being presenting with too many options on their Instagram, Facebook, Bumble, etc. and instead of sizing up a man logically, she picks one based on her emotions. Without a strong father figure, she will most likely just follow her feelings and make the wrong choice, over and over again.

These apps have not only ruined dating, but our relationships as well. Decades ago, if a couple ran into problems they were expected to work through them together. However now with social media, smart phones and dating apps, men have essentially become disposable commodities that are easily replaced.

If her man messes up, or isn't measuring up to her standards in one way or another, a woman always has access to more dating options at her fingertips. What man in his right mind would commit emotionally and financially to a woman who can so easily gather up more options?

The bottom line is that neither men nor women have adapted to live the way we are living in 2024. Feminism, social media, smart phones, and dating apps aren't compatible with our internal wiring, which has evolved over thousands of years. And while women may get short bursts of dopamine from the attention they receive on social media, and tall attractive men may enjoy temporary pleasure from hook-ups on the dating apps, everyone is left feeling depressed overall.

General Discrimination

Not only are young men struggling in the dating market like never before, they are also being discriminated against by society as woke culture spreads like a virus. For example, these days a lot of job postings are only available to those who "identify as woman" or are of a particular race.

At the same time, there are numerous cases of men who are labeled racists, bigots, etc for trying to protect society from organized theft, violent criminals, and other unhinged people.

The men who have been cast from the dating scene and discriminated against in the job market will find opportunities elsewhere, in innovative industries that are not under the control of the woke agenda.

Impact On Crypto

If all we had to do was worry about the US government borrowing too many dollars and the central bank's reckless monetary policies of QE, ZIRP, and NIRP, we could simply hold gold/Bitcoin and wait for an economic implosion to send their values sky high.

But not all that glitters is gold and Bitcoin. There are plenty of other blockchain projects in development that have a very bright future thanks to all the attention they will be getting from men who have been ostracized from modern dating and society.

Crytocurrencies will continue to draw in these abandoned men, because they have inspirational communities that are actually worth joining. Men will at least have a chance at achieving a comfortable lifestyle in the future if they get involved with the right project, and that should lead to more dating options.

As more and more men get ignored, rejected, ghosted, flaked on, and refused employment due to their gender and race, they will direct their energy to alternative forms of employment, business, and wealth creation.

The attention men used to focus on protecting society and courting women will be redirected in part to cryptocurrencies, and that will send their valuations into the stratosphere.

Men Built Society

What society fails to recognize is that it was men who built the foundation from which we are operating from. Treat them like second-class citizens, push them out of their traditional roles of providing and protecting, and society will eventually crumble. Once it gets bad enough, and criminals are roaming the streets randomly assaulting women, communities will be forced to acknowledge the need for men, and allow them to reclaim power.

Men can certainly play the victim card here, and complain that they are being marginalized by society. But perhaps the best course of action would be for them to step up, and become a specimen that woman would be attracted to, and a person who the community respects. This would involve improving his health, fitness, style, finances, social skills, and not being so damn nice all the time.

Unfortunately, this also means that society will have to become a little more savage in the process, as the traditional concept of being "a good provider" no longer works to get a wife. One could argue that God wants us to evolve, and therefore survival of the fittest is a good thing. On the other hand, we don't want to descend into wild animals with no morals, loyalty or integrity.

Strong Men Will Build New Communities

Once men get back in touch with their roots, their strength, and their worth, a new world will be built from the ashes of the broken one, and we will have functional communities that are based on law, order, and traditional gender roles. In all likelihood, this new world will be built on the foundation of decentralized finance, which is drawing in the attention of more and more men who can see how dysfunctional modern day society has become.


If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out my other posts on finance and crypto here on the HIVE blockchain. You can also follow me on InLeo for more frequent updates.

Until next time...


Sex And The City Image [1]
Girl on Instagram [2]
Girl on Dating App [3]
Waterloo Job Postings Tweet [4]
What's Going On With Young Men Tweet [5]
Strong Chad [6]
