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RE: DAOs Are Going To Really Drive Governments Nuts

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is going to be so exciting to watch. Once an idea reaches 20% to 30% of a population then it spreads like wildfire. Things are moving very quickly. Gen Z is looking for solutions to their problems. It's only a matter of time before the problems and solutions meet, and then that's going to be really exciting to experience.

I see bankers sent out a warning that in five years the dollar will be replaced with crypto currency.


I see bankers sent out a warning that in five years the dollar will be replaced with crypto currency.

That wont likely happen either. The USD is well protected as compared to other fiat currencies. It is going to take longer than 5 years for all the infrastructure to be build out for crypto and other assorted financial services.

We will also likely see some type of UBI which helps to keep the government relevant as the need for them declines.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I feel UBI coming soon, too. The Covid unemployment payments are the segue into that.