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RE: 24 Hours: Assault on the Capitol

This is probably all Russia's doing, amirite?

No, its definitely China's doing. We have total and compete evidence from the Vatican... :-p

If the people that i knew that went to protest at the Capital wanted to take out that den of evil, it would have been done.

Even the National Guard wouldn't have made any difference.

Mostly it would have gone like this.

Hey, this is Bill from Bravo company, you remember me?
You still working at the capital?
Yeah, it would be a very good idea if you didn't go to work tomorrow.

And then it would all be over within an hour.
The group of ex Seals, Green Berets and Rangers would take out the underground bunkers first, and then sweep up into the capital buildings.
Nothing left.

But, for what reason would you do that?
Even a good portion of a million people outside angry about election fraud... and congress almost literally said, there will never be a fair election again.

The only "better" outcome is that Chump brings in the military, arrests everyone, puts them on military trial for the world to see and then gets some hella good voting system in place, are we going to see anything "better".

Other than that, we start seeing people voting from long distance, with votes wrapped in copper.


Fair and honest elections would be a lot easier to manage if everyone had to show a state ID to be able to register to vote, and again at the polling place, and also if voting was done on a voting blockchain.