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RE: @music account

in LeoFinance10 months ago

And WEB3 is immensely harder to program.

In the beginning, one server, one program, one thread.
It was very easy to write and manage. No race conditions, all the information was just there, nothing was changed in the middle of your operation...

Now, we give up all the knowns. We have to program like anything could happen. No assumptions.
It is a far better thing, and much more elegant solutions will come from it.

But the growing pains are painful.

I imagine that, for the lack of a better term, "facebook" will be turned inside out. The protocol replaces the server. The users become unfettered. The system is the connections between friends.

The impending thing from my view is that the internet will have to change. It is currently designed for 10% up, 90% down. The servers feed the users. Soon it will not be that way.