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RE: AI at the Wheel: Driving the Future of Automotive Manufacturing

in LeoFinance7 months ago

I do not doubt that AI will play an important part in design and implementation in the future, however, all the particulars are incorrect many of them are blatant industry lies.

Self driving cars are DOA.
The current state of self driving is THEY IGNORE BIKES. If the camera sees a bike, the program deletes it, ignores its existence. That accident where a self driving car ran down a young girl walking her bicycle across the road, that was due to the program ignoring bicycles (and their riders).

Self driving is a dream of the controllers. Wanting to be able to take control of your car whenever they feel like.

Quality Control? How do you QC a product that is designed to last 40,000 miles and than destroy itself? QC in this instance becomes an oxymoron.

How do you optimize a supply chain in today's market? Where you can order parts from China, that may or may not come, that may or may not be what you need when you get it.

It is more appropriate to say that we are on the edge of Cuba-izing. Where we have to make parts ourselves, in the auto shop, or repurpose parts from other vehicles.

AI may help us with these things in the future, but it is going to require an entire different data set, and all the assumptions changed.

What i expect to see is people, in self organizing groups build cars / trucks in small warehouses or garages. And AI will be a very helpful tool for the small person to network their skills.


It's semantics, because this techology is in it's infancy. I personally refuse to shit on new technology. I've been around since before pagers, cell phones, access to the internet and a slew of other revolutionary tech that folks did not take seriously. With that said, will everything that is forecasted or believed to be true? That would be just as naive. Nothing is perfect, but whatever form AI takes, it's here to stay. We either adapt to it or just bury our heads in the sand. Either way, whatever makes folks happy. I respect other's opinion, because it's what we should all do. Thanks for dropping a comment @builderofcastles Have a great remainder of the week.