The Best Investment In 2023

Buy Food, not realestate or stocks

I feel that cryptos will go way up this year
and housing will go way down this year.

Stocks and bonds will do really well (all that money printings gots to go somewhere, right?) until they don't.

But one thing that i know as a sure investment is food.

Baby chick
  • Stock up on those tin cans.
  • Go long on those freeze dried meals.
  • Put your seed capital into chicks.
    (i spent all my money on booze and women. The rest i wasted)

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Bitcoin to the moon

This next bull run (if not this, then the next) bitcoin will become unobtanium.
As in, it will separate from fiat currencies.
No one will want those worthless pieces of paper.
Bitcoin goes no-bid on exchanges.

Price of bread going to unobtanium

Food to the moon too

Food may also become unobtainium.

Actually, it is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when and where.
We have a wheat shortage.
It really just depends on how much stores we have and what this year's harvest will be big enough to make up for the last few years.

It will be easy to guess that ramen will be sold out everywhere.
But steak, at $20 a pound will be readily available. Do you have the finances to pay more for a meal "in" then you used to spend on a good meal out?

I do not feel that food will have as high of an ROI as bitcoin this year
but i wouldn't be surprised if it does.

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The entire food supply is being threatened

Ag building looking around suspiciously

Chickens being slaughtered by the USDA.
Food processing plants burning down all over.
Train cars of bad chemicals derailing, exploding and being set on fire.

So, i strongly suggest that you put food as one of your primary investments this year.

And unlike gold or stocks, you CAN eat it.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


The problem with food is that it expires.

Buying land is nice if you can swing it. (growing food)
But even then you don't own it (property tax implications).

This next bull run (if not this, then the next) bitcoin will become unobtanium.

I don't think it will be this one but...
next one sounds pretty feasible.

The end of the world is playing out slower than I expected.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, i expected the next one, but this bull run was put off and put off.
So, i really do not know.

My old opinion was we would see 1 million bitcoin, but not 10 million bitcoin (dollar fails in between and because of)

I also expected more adoption, but we got zelle and venmo instead.
Yes, this end of the world is happening a LOT slower.

"Chickens being slaughtered by the USDA.
Food processing plants burning down all over."

Farmers are saying it's not replacing the chicks that's the problem, it's the high cost of feed and fuel.

Food processing plants aren't burning down all over the place. That's just Tucker Carlson fear monger crap. It's not unusual for food processing plants to shut down either fully or partially for a variety of reasons each year, upwards of five thousand a year. There's forty five thousand food processing facilities in the US so it would be pretty hard to put a dent in the food supply chain over a couple that may burn down and the rest having short term shut downs or partial shut downs of an area of a plant.

I comprehend what you are saying, however this last year has seen a HUGE spike in such places catching fire. Very anomalous.

No it's not. I've looked into a few of these things myself, mainly because my kids worked in food distribution plants when they were younger and it's not uncommon for something to go wrong and a line goes down. Could be a mechanical breakdown, even a malfunction of wiring that causes enough smoke for the fire department to show up. Instead of fear mongering about our food and it's manufacturing and distribution, which only leads to hoarding, why not look into the real issues going on with our food like the effects the Trump trade agreements have had on them and why we must now compete on the global stage for our food. Because in all due reality it's them pushing this type of outrageous hype that keeps their true intents concealed, people focus on this instead of what they are doing behind closed doors.