The Boomers Gave Up Their Principals For Money, Now the Chickens Come Home To Bite Them

in LeoFinance7 months ago


The baby boomers are known for the summer of love. The protests against the war. Sex, drugs and rock & roll.

So, what happened?

Now the boomers are THE war monger generation. Love and Peace have been sold out. Sex? The youngest generation is getting none. The drugs kill you, and often thankfully. And rock & roll is corporate shit.

The baby boomers sold out for money.
The govern-cement offered them money to keep quite, and they all got cushy corporate jobs.

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None of the stories are true.

The anti-war protests were because THEY were being drafted. Ending the draft, ended the protests.

The summer of love wasn't about love, it was about sex, free sex. The birth control pill had come out removing women's restraint for saving their virginity for a good man, now they could just go after the bad boy without any "regret".

And rock & roll was a psyop. The Tavistock Institute was behind most of the big bands. The Beatles, the Rolling Stones…
You couldn't play YOUR music and also get a record deal. Basically, you could play small bars and clubs for all of your life, or you could play what "the man" told you to, and have the money.

The boomers were always a sell out group. Just, why did they have to sell out so cheap?

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The Boomers rise to glory on printed money

(In 1971 Nixon took us off the gold standard)

When you start the money printing scheme, everyone gets rich. You are borrowing from the future, and you have no past to pay. So, the boomers all got lovely mortgages. There was all kinds of jobs because money was flowing freely into the businesses that had always been held back by having to make money the hard way, earning it. Now they could just sell bonds to raise tons and tons of money.

Junk bonds made many people rich, because everyone could just borrow more money to pay them. Not because they were actually solvent. Just a ponzi scheme by any other name.

The wealth affect kept on going. Most upper middle class families had a 2nd home, a home just used for vacations. (imagine that zoomers, not just one home, but two homes, one that you only visit occasionally)

Growing businesses added lots of middle managers. And the boomers filled all the positions.

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The boomers kick out all the rungs in the ladder.

The generation after the boomers had to deal with two big issues, the work force being doubled by woman now working and all the management positions were filled by boomers, who weren't going anywhere. (along comes diversity quotas, and young men were barred from higher positions. No, really. There needed to be more female managers, and the boomers weren't going to leave their positions, so all new or somehow emptied positions went to women. Men were denied promotions, ever, because of their gender)

All the cheap property went to the boomers. The next generation had to start moving mountains (literally) to have a place to build a home. The prices of homes was going way up, the quality of houses… every corner was cut. And so, the next generation had to work really hard to get into a house.

The children of the boomers had a lousy upbringing. (latch key kids) And their life suffered from there.

The next generation was raised by day-care, and had a future only if they worked really hard.

Now, you basically have to be a business guru to make it to what the boomer had handed them on a silver plate.

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The chickens are coming home to peck their eyes out

Most of the wealth (that is not owned by the 1%) is tied up by boomers.
It is what is keeping the stock market high, it is what is keeping the bond market high, it is what is keeping housing prices high.

Now, the boomers are pulling all that money out, and down goes everything.

1 in 4 homes are owned by boomers. What happens when 25% of the housing market sits empty? This is not fear porn, this is just numbers, statistics, demographics. The housing market is not going to be a young family going a viewing the options they have to purchase, this is going to be, find a house that is empty and move into it. (of course, my outlook on suburban housing is even more dire than this)

The boomers failed to let the next generations have any of the wealth.
So, there is no one to sell their assets to. (Except maybe the bank, and their buying unit, BlackRock)

The lucky boomers will be the ones who move to mortuary plots soon. The unlucky boomers are the ones who will stick around a while their assets drop in value and their really is no health care. (not enough doctors, nurses, care facilities...)

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The end of the fiat ponzi system is here. This is great… with a side order of pain, and for desert, rebuilding everything.

The boomers have dug themselves a deep hole. And i doubt they are easily going to find a way out of it. What can they do? Their is nothing they can do to give back (their health and vigor are gone). Their is nothing they can do to make up for years lost by their children. They have nothing that the youngest generation want. They even lack what will be needed most, the information that kept their parents generation alive, gardening and canning. Storing up for the winter.

Sadly, the "pain pill" that Obomba and Turd-oe have been pushing as part of "health care" might be cynically accepted by the latest generation. Yeah, don't give grandma surgery, that is too costly, just give her a "pain pill". Euthanasia finally to get adopted by BigPharma, just before they die too.

I wish the boomers didn't sell out. I wish they were truly anti-war. I wish they really stood for peace and love. But they voted with their dollars. And now they, and us, have to deal with this mess.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


I'm a "boomer," and I assure You, I abhor "war."  And I was back then and now, a "peacenik."

This is like the People who blame "the jews," when it is a very small percentage of the psychopaths amongst Them - and psychopaths from other groups - that are the problem, promoted to the top by money.

And You seem to think that it was "the boomers'" fault the psychopaths in control changed the energy accounting tokens to Their benefit.  Pushed women into the work force.  Groomed to accept a change in the role of woman.

And...  There's TONS of Us boomers like Me.  Elderly, disabled (psoriatic arthritis with bone spurs in My thumbs – typing hurts, but I do it anyway, slowly), denied assistance, lost everything, destitute but for the pittance of social “security” I now receive (that is MY money paid in for many decades!) – not 1/2 a studio apartment’s rent; just barely enough for food and sundries – and homeless, crashing on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 10+ year old laptop.

Don't You dare claim that We are the problem the psychopaths created!

The boomers were the only ones who could have resisted this.
Everyone else was born into it.

So, i must lay the blame at their feet.
However, as you say, it was done by a group of psychopaths with the largest propaganda machine ever constructed.

And the elite already made sure to strip schools of the knowledge about finance. The boomers couldn't understand what was happening to them. There were people telling them what was being done to them, but they weren't democrats, so few listened.

I spend an awful lot of my free time helping boomers, helping retirees fix trailers and stuff.
They are always thankful, but not thankful enough to help me when i am homeless.

The problem in this whole thing is the bill is coming due. And the boomers are in a really bad spot.

I am afraid i have little energy to help the boomers, i am trying to work out how i will feed the hungry, homeless children that will abound here soon.

I hope that you get enough crypto wealth that you can at least maintain your lifestyle. Godz i know that Social inSecurity will not keep up with food prices.

Oh that's rich. Like We were psychic and knew it all. We were just as lied to as People today. Maybe more so because We didn't have the web to share info on. No blame belongs at Our feet. Are You suggesting that it's all the People today who are not stopping the psyop war in the middle east who are to blame for it???

Maintain My lifestyle? As in homeless, barely scraping by? I plan to get rid of accounting for Our energy added as slaves to the Ones who have money (in whatever form - goods, services, shells, beads, metals, paper, electronic bits).

Thanks. I guess.

Without the useful idiots that fall into the incentives presented by psychopaths - psychopaths could do shit.
Psychopaths only get that power by complicit useful idiots. Masses.

Money allowed Them to buy all the media, schools, publishing, research, governments (yes, they're all for-profit corporations now). food production, water processing, "geoengineering," and on and on.

Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.

And You want to call these Ones so massively beset "useful idiots."

We may be useful, but blinded and deaffened. Not "idiots."

And who made their Monopoly Money worth anything?
Who put their life energy and worth into it, so the psychopaths can even use their monopoly money?

else Noone would care for some paper..

And now it is just about the feelings of old people, while we, the youth, already dies in the street

But who cares, some emotions of old manipulated people are more important
They do not want to be called useful idiots

Sorry, bring your problem with it to science
Useful idiots is an scientific term

Agreement (whether fully informed or, in most cases, not) made it "worth" something - same with all "money."

The flow of Humanity's efforts to acquire needed things was the "energy."

All money - from goods & services (trade/barter) to electronic bits - accounts for Our energy added - it matters not the form agreed upon.

No clue what You mean with "And now it is just about the feelings of old people, while we, the youth, already dies in the street." What are You saying here?

And no. "Useful idiots" is NOT a scientific term. It is a political term.

You are so full of shit. One day when you are swaddle up in a sheet riding a donkey in ninety degree heat and can't shave that shit off your face you'll be wishing gen Z hadn't killed off all the boomers whom they love blaming for everything. You think gen Z could barely wipe their ass, wait till you see the track marks showing through the outerwear of the next generation. At least the boomers knew how to wipe their ass and who ass to keep in check.

The zoomers are in a world of hurt. There is no ladder to climb anymore. The ladder is gone. But they are still told to climb the ladder.

All of that student debt, because no one noticed the paradigm had changed. But still, the good little boys and girls went to college, because that was the old way to get to the ladder, to start their climb in life. But there is no ladder anymore.

Generation Alpha is seeing what is happening. But they have no ability yet to change anything. Men are dropping out of school. They can see it is a fraudulent system. Spend tons of money to get a worthless piece of paper to work at starbuckens?

I am very sad for the boomers, because the financial tsunami that Nixon started back in 1971 is going to come back and hit them just when they can do nothing about it.

I wish bitcoin adoption was faster. Then we might be able to do something in time for the boomer generation. I hope "The Road to RootA" is true.

But all i see is pain. I am trying to put myself into a position to be able to help all the homeless children that will be the norm soon.

You are still so full of bullshit. Trying to blame boomers for Reagan robbing social security. Bitcoin and all these other coins, how the internal system works proves one in the same, it's a system in place that favors the few over the many. It's literally no different, none, zilch. They'll run roughshod over you just the same as the government does if you don't fall into line with the system. If and when they get around to using digital currency it's not going to end up like you all think to seem it will, you are only as strong as the men willing to go to prison or hide underground in tunnels, eventually they'll flush you out. You are only kidding yourselves. Like you are all going to be some big exception from the powers that be, it's laughable.

The boomers failed to let the next generations have any of the wealth.
So, there is no one to sell their assets to. (Except maybe the bank, and their buying unit, BlackRock)

Most important part; it is all about incentives - but sadly noone seems to recognize that, but why should anyone being paid not to?

also they do not really own anything, they basically already lived the "you own nothing and will be happy" by financing their whole life with credit
all the houses are already owned to some part by the banks..


without that property/ownership, they also cannot pass on/ transmit/ inherit (hope the right word) to their children, which is seen again (basically doubled the impact) in inheritance tax

Yep, the incentives were slowly lowered. (like boiling a frog)
And very few noticed.

Even today, many older people tell the younger people to get out and get a job, then move out.
Not realizing that is almost impossible.

As in, sharing a rented room, two people in one bedroom, is a normal thing now.

Why wait for inheritance tax? Get it now. Sell your house to the bank, slowly

@der-prophet @indextrader24 are two of those very smart old idiots

The just have not managed to get their fascism memetics out of their brain
And are pofiteers

Of big pharma

And bureaucracy (false prophets wife) while not realizing that they will be fucked soon themselves, as soon as AI does bureaucracy more efficiently and basically without costs (compared to humans)

Useful idiots are and stay useful idiots

Their ponzi is over and they blame the youth

It would be funny if it wasn't that desastrous

Du bist einfach nur peinlich 🤣

I don't really know much German, but Die Twinnies taught me Peinlich.

Each generation was taught a different lie. And that usually gets ingrained into how we see the world. So, i comprehend what is going on and try not to take the pushback from any group, and let it hurt my heart.

Also as far as I can remember he did not even help me back then

He just uses it to hit me with his boot now

This is also why one should not tell anything dumb useful idiots adults
Even if one want contact and exchange of ideas, they use everything against one

Their ego runs completely mad

No spine And they also believe in a dead physic universe, so they openly not only deny their own spirit and mind, but every The whole existence of spirit and mind Of course nothing good can come out of that, but Only mindlessly following bio robots (like they claim themselves to be)

That is also the right attitude on your part.

I can no longer take the person to whom I wrote "embarrassing" seriously.

He himself claims that he lives on the street and has to ask for money from time to time. In return, he insults the society that gives him the money.

All in all, not a person I can take seriously.

Okay you just play dumb and talk bullshit about me now
I do not know how often one has to tell dumb adults who do not want to listen
Ignorance is key

And you talk about embarrassing

Good luck becoming happy with that

Also just for your information: you little bitch cried about insults
While the only thing you could do in the whole conversation over days: feel insulted and insult, ignore the rest


Truly senseless

I'm not homeless and I asked ONE time for help
But you are a very evil person

I just hope for you, you will never need help
Karma is a bitch
And the system will fuck your ass


Du weißt echt keinen Konter außer Projektion..

Fang du mal an dich zu projektieren

Keine Sorge, meine Projekte werden geschützt, dürfen sich entfalten, also werden nicht mit nützlichen Idioten geteilt um sie außerhalb ihres unbewussten Handelns zu halten.

Lies mal Praxeologie und dann steck dir deine Umerziehung und unnützen Ponzi Jobs sonst wo hin.

@der-prophet cannot even read:

Even today, many older people tell the younger people to get out and get a job, then move out.
Not realizing that is almost impossible.

And only tells the same over and over
To get a job and slave for their ponzi

Sorry sir, I am being criminalized by your great system and society - they even went so far and TOOK a few jobs from me
Have great permanent pain, am not allowed to take evil drugs against the pain, painkillers, that let me have a normal day life without crazy side effects stealing my orientation (yea sure, already pain, give me that loss of Orientation induced by dirty pills, what could even go wrong?)

And then tells me I'm like a broken record, just because his ignorance is gigantic
And I'm just not coming through

Holy shit, adults are like a curse

How disgusting do you want to be: adults: yay let's follow old nazi laws and fuck and traumatize our own children as if we were the pedophiles

What the hell

Yep, they grew up in a paradigm where, if you didn't have a place of your own, it was because you weren't trying. And they assume that it is still like that.

In the boomers day, a decent 40 hour/week job allowed you to have a house and support a family.
Today, a decent 40 hour/week job doesn't allow you to have a tiny apartment in the city where you are working.

This will be over soon. The paradigm is changing.
And that is what i wanted to tell the boomers so that they can prepare.
But, i just got barked at.

The future is going to be very different. Unfortunately, the elite are going to try to make it as hard as possible. Their may be free houses everywhere, but there is also no heating oil.

I hope you can work your way out of your predicament.

well, you clearly tried.
thank you !

Yeah and that sex, drugs and rock and roll, that felt good, real good you stay in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant bring me my chicken dinner. Guys like you is why some have to live between a rock and a hard spot. Neither side of the coin can be trusted.