The Reason That I Am Not Worried About Blackrock Buying Everything

in LeoFinance3 months ago


What if you were so focussed on a game of Monopoly, that you forgot it was a game. That you forgot there are other games. What kind of failures in thinking could you imagine?

So, you are totally engrossed in Monopoly, but do not realize that what you thought was you owning everything, and then the other players would continue to pay you rent… forever. But, really, they have been allowing you to win, and have been playing The Game of Life™ and having a grand ole time.

You have all these properties, that no one cares for. You have all this money, but they have a different money, that is worth more.

What happens when you suddenly look up from the board? Does your world collapse? What do you do when you find all your manipulations have ended with owning worthless junk?

That is what the banksters are running into.

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The old is junk, the new is shiny

In the far past, bronze was valuable. It was everything. Then steel came along, and bronze went along the wayside. And at the beginning of the industrial revolution steel was very important, but at the age of flight, steel was a something you threw into a junk yard, and aluminum was the new shiny metal.

In almost every category, something has come along and replaced the existing "thing" to then, later, be replaced by an even better "thing". This is the way of things.

Unfortunately, we have had one little group of people decide what is important, and enforce their view on the world for quite a while. What is valuable to them is gold and real estate (the king's estate) Their money and their land.

The bankster families, the [KM] have pretty much put their "law" into place around the world. So much so that most people don't even know of a different way, let alone think about another way.

Let me give an example. Is it correct to "own" a piece of property? Just because you were the last one to pay more for it than all the people before you? Or is the land owned by the one who takes care of it? Or the one who is currently living there?

Billy Gatez "owns" all of this dead, mined out, farmland. Will he ever revitalize even one acre of it? He probably won't even come visit any of his farmland. And he probably doesn't know anything about caring for it. Especially not healing it.

So, does Billy Gatez really own anything? One could very well conceive of a law that if you are not there, and do not kick off people that are making their home there, than you lose the land. In fact, Squatters Rights say just such a thing.

The "ownership" of land, in the future, will really be based on who is taking care of it. So, in actuality, the land could be said to own the caretaker.

The things that will be valuable will be different in the future. Also, what we call ownership will really shift.

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The stock market goes… it just goes away

The idea of a corporation is horrifying. A being that lives forever. That cannot be killed, if people with pitchforks and torches comes for it. That is not responsible for the effects from its actions. You can't even fine it. (fines, taxes, everything is paid by the customers, never by the corporation)

Externalize all the costs, internalize all of the profits.

Such a monstrosity should not be allowed to exist.

And, in the future, not even a century away, they won't. No one will think that such a thing should exist. A company that can be owned by a group of people that do nothing for the company? What kind of witchcraft is that? A place where people work, only for pay? What devilry is this? You get paid for just owning this piece of paper? What have you been smokin?

In the future, companies will not be taken to court for polluting or making a bad product. They will be ignored out of existence so fast, that we do not have a clock accurate enough to time that event.

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Blackrock buys everything, but fails to have any value

These are the kinds of things that i know are coming. And Blackrock (and the banksters behind them) don't seem to know.

Blackrock is trying to buy up everything. They will own all the property, so you have to rent. But no one will want to rent those crummy 15 minute city pods. It will be so easy to go out into wide open land and build a new community.

Blackrock says they own all the stock! But no one will care. All the corporations they own will soon be worthless.

The banksters will say they have all the money, that they have all the gold. But we have bitcoin. And if not bitcoin, we will just fork something better and use that.

Truly, Blackrock will be left holding a bunch of useless crap that no one wants, and no one cares about.

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What is valuable in the future?

Gold is out, silver is in.

Gold is really just a pretty, yellow, shiny metal. It doesn't have much use but to adorn women. (and plating connectors) We just spend tons of effort mining it just to put it in an underground vault never to see the light of day again. And in the future of doing transactions all over the world, gold will be pretty much useless. Silver, on the other hand, is very valuable for manufacturing and about to become WAY more valuable.

McMansions are out, homesteads are in.

A large house, that's only use is to impress your friends (who are either not impressed, or are totally envious, and want to do you in to take your stuff) and nothing else, is really a waste of time. A very large house with lots of rooms where you and your extended family (or your like minded friends) live and help eachother will be very useful. Reducing a bunch of overlapping, redundant spaces (how many ovens are never used?) all into one energy efficient space. Don't forget about growing food for everyone.

Fiat currency is out, cryptos are in.

All us here know that cryptos is so much better than debt based fiat currency. It is just a matter of time before we switch over and never look back.

Stonks soooo out. NFTs in.

The idea of exchanges is so outdated, and so full of corruption. Why do they still exist when we have a block chain? Especially things like the COMEX. Soon we will just have the miners create NFTs of their commodity, and these will be exchanged until delivery is scheduled. Each miner and user knowing exactly where their commodity is coming from and going. People who want to bet on the price, or mess with the price need not apply.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


BR by my country. Now I'm playing my own game, but on someone else's board.
I hope my little piece of land will not soon attract someone's attention and greed.
Thank you!

I'd have to go back a ways to look through my comments on Disqus to get the details straight, but if I remember correctly, the government is thinking of letting private investors build communities that will house immigrants coming over the border. I think my comment was along the lines of may be one of the reasons Bill Gates is buying up so much farmland.