This Is What It Is All About, The Shot, The Bank Failures, The Chemtrails


Social inSecurity was designed to get Americans out of their self sufficient ways and onto the dole. Then socialism could take root, and later communism. This was the plan.

However, the baby boomer generation was born!
GREAT! for Social insecurity! Until it wasn't.

The boomers came on the scene, and it was like 15 to 1, working people per retired person.
Unfortunately, the boomers didn't have enough children to replace them. Nor gen-X.
And now we are headed for 1 to 2, working people per retired person.

That is one working person has to support two retired people with his paycheck. And every zoomer knows they won't get Social inSecurity. Even gen-X has always thought that Social inSecurity won't be there when they got to retirement age.

And this LARGE, politically vocal, group is retiring now as the whole financial system is under extreme stress. Mostly from age, but partially from the boomers retiring and having to liquidate their money in the market.

So, they thought up a plan, and they thought it up quick
"You could kill grandma" - Cuomo

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Boomers are a big problem - Bernake

Imagine that everything we think of as an indicator of a good economy begins and ends with the boomers.

The reason the stock market is so high? Boomer money.
The reason the GDP is so high? Boomers working.
The reason the dollar is so strong? Boomer backing.

And this all goes away when the boomers stop putting into the system and start withdrawing from it.

"How can we stop this?" - the Elite

The easiest way is to kill off the useless eaters. And there is no more useless than the retired. (that is why they are retired, because they are unable to work for us anymore, and if they aren't making us money, they are useless - the Elite)

So, think up a disease, that mostly affects the elderly, the infirm, the out of shape. And then make a VAXXX that will shorten those same people's lives.

Add in Chemtrails, and the poisoning of the food on grocery stores, and all the elderly will die of cancer (now turbo cancer) and our problem is solved! So sayeth the Banksters, and so have they done.

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This does not end well

Of course, the banksters solve one problem and create a million more (money printing, am i right?) But, the banksters love problems (for the masses) and so, they turned up the heat.

Why stop with just a bunch of old people dying off, they were going to die anyway, lets keep going and put all these uppity young-ins into open air prisons, while getting them to eat bugz!

This is their continuing plans, and T.H.E.Y. won't stop.
Which is where we come in. We realize these Bankster's plans, and learn just how evil they are, and we stop that evil from happening.

All the markets are going to crash. And T.H.E.Y. are going to try to herd people into open air prisons. It is all written down in their plans.

We need to break out of their system.

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Bitcoin is an answer, and an answer

The only thing that will really save boomers is bitcoin. Bitcoin isn't really going up in price, it is that all the value of all the bubbles is trying to escape, and one of the only life boats is bitcoin.

So, bitcoin isn't really going up, all the liquidity is trying to get to safety. Take all the money in derivatives and divide it by the amount of bitcoin in circulation. If the doorway into bitcoin was wider, and they could liquidate all those derivatives, bitcoin's price would be in the billions. Maybe even trillions.

If the boomers moved part of their retirement savings into bitcoin, then they could be set for their retirement. And bitcoin is the only asset that is moving fast enough to provide that.

There is evidence that is what Satoshi had planned. (Look up Road To Roota - Bix Weir, there are some strange theories, and if they are true, they were planned to save the boomer retirement. It is at minimum, entertaining.) And Satoshi will give out bitcoin based on the value put into Social inSecurity. If it happens, it will change everything. But, it may be better if Satoshi's bitcoins never move.

That said, the only retirement move is to move into bitcoin.

And, if we moved that much money, from the little people, into bitcoin, we could really see a boost in bitcoin adoption. With that many bitcoin paying customers, i am sure that tons of stores would be getting on with their bitcoin payment portals.

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The banksters really want the boomers to be dead already. And all that savings to just evaporate (or just wasted by inheritors). T.H.E.Y. are supposed to own everything, how dare the boomers have such a big portion of the wealth.

And so, recognize that the BeerBug, and the VAXXX, and Obomba unCare (Just take the "pain" pill) and diet erosion (how many elderly now need mobility scooters as opposed to 50 years ago?) are all part of a plan to get rid of boomers as early as possible.

The system really is that evil. If everyone switched to crypto tomorrow, it would not be soon enough for me.

That said, our mission (should we choose to accept it) is to build a new economy. To build better systems that replace the old systems. And then just abandon the old systems.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.