We Have Just Crested the Top of the Housing Market… Forever

in LeoFinance10 months ago


I do not know how long this process will take, however, i am quite convinced that most suburbs of most large cities will be left vacant, empty, abandoned.

We have just recently crested the top of the housing market. And now, we will go down and down and down. The crash that the banksters are engineering is supposed to bottom out, where they can buy up everything cheap, then resell it again and start their ponzi scheme all over again. (or turn each area into a 15 minute prison)

The problem is, nothing that the banksters are relying on, the economy, the people, the jobs, even the weather, will be there as "usual", in fact, they will all turn against them. The banksters have launched their plan, again, and will not know what to do when the corner stone of their scam just disappears.

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The Bankster Games

The bankster has a farm. The young farmer would like a loan to buy a farm. They give him a mortgage. He starts farming. He is doing well, until one bad year. He defaults. The bankster kick him off the land he so painstakingly improved. The bankster has a farm.

And the banksters did this scheme over and over again.

The banksters did this with slaves and slavery. Except they couldn't perfect the capital. Slaves would run off or die.

Land, the King's estate, was much better. It stayed in one place, and all you had to do was make sure the law stayed on the bankster's side.

In this way, the banksters would lend money, and wait for the person to mess up, then collect their asset. Rinse, repeat.

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The End of Suburbs

Suburbs are this anomaly in time that required a whole lot of external forces to get people to move to the cities. And then, with the factories all congregated in the same place, the living abodes had to be set up around that. (they also made farming not pay) And so, the city, with its suburbs grew up.

The problem is that the manufacturing was sent overseas. And so, the work that needed to be done was not really in the cities anymore. It was in the computer, in the cloud. And so could be done anywhere. (and covaids showed this)

Further, so many of the other things that made the city a great place to be are now gone.
The cinemas, the plays, the fine dining… they have been brought into the home. Great big TVs and food delivery.

So, now, the cities are just decaying memories of old grandeur.
And the suburban house with its postage stamp of a lot is completely useless for anyone but a factory worker (a person that goes to a job, and does things, then comes home). If you have any other kind of a life, the suburban house is a very poor thing indeed.

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Suburb Population Falls

People are going to be leaving suburbia. Either leaving by deciding to live elsewhere, or moving to a mortuary plot.

  • Demographic destruction. The biggest generation, the boomers, are getting old. And will be leaving their suburban homes.
  • VAXXX deaths. All causes mortality is still rising. And now they are talking about disease X, and new VAXXX. Or putting VAXXX into food. There are going to be a lot more deaths. (make sure to get a GOOD supply of food)
  • Mostly Fiery but "peaceful" protests are coming to cities. Especially over food that is non-existent or too expensive.
  • Decaying infrastructure. Your expensive house is only expensive while the water flows and the electricity is on.
  • Ice Age is here. If the city is too far north, then expect living conditions to be SUBoptimal during the winter. Lights go out in Canada.
  • More Maui-type fires. Where houses, without blue roofs, turn to ash.

People who can leave the big cities, will leave the big cities.
Those who can't leave will find a bunch of empty houses they can occupy (without heat or water)

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So, like bosses expect people to come back to work (after they were working remotely), banksters are believing people will come back, or stay in suburbs.

And both of these groups are going to continue to be shocked as people don't.

People who can leave, or going to leave. And most of these people will not come back.

People are going to find their group, their tribe, their family and move to be together with them. And these people will never come back.

Those 15 minute, open air prisons will only be occupied by those who were too poor (money, thought, health) to leave. To get away from the destruction.

And so, the banksters are going to be the biggest losers.
However, that said, your suburban house's price is going to go down and down and down. (unless blackrock is buying it to rent to migrants)… and then its value will go really, really way down.

If you live in the suburbs, especially of a blue city, or a city near the coast, then i recommend you sell and move somewhere where peaceful protests will be much less fiery.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


You are right.
We need a lot of luck to resell tomorrow at a profit the property we bought today.
Cities will experience something similar to a zombie apocalypse when electricity, water and communications run out