Your Nice Suburban House, With the Manicured Lawn, Is Not An Asset

in LeoFinance2 months ago


All our lives, house prices have only gone up (and down briefly, but then back up) and we believe this is the way it will always be.

We listen to these reasonings:

  • They aren't making any more property
  • Your home is your biggest asset
  • Prices only go up
  • Renting is throwing your money away

All of these are lies, as they are only apply to a certain paradigm of time on earth where the population is increasing AND people are moving from rural areas to cities and suburbs.

There are parts of America where a person hasn't set a foot within in years.
There are miles of freeway, in between towns where no one has built a house, or anything for that matter.
There is so much land out there, it would be impossible to farm it all, even with our big equipment.

We have rounded the corner, passed the peak. Much of the world is in demographic decline. There are not enough people being born to maintain replacement. We also have a group of murderous psychopaths that want 12 in 13 people dead. And T.H.E.Y. will unleash plagues and wars to get that population reduction numbers.

With a declining population number, it will become apparent that instead of limited supply of houses, there will be an overabundance of houses.

Basically, everything that made the housing market go up, has reversed.
Your house was never an asset, and soon, it won't even be sellable.

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Cities are doomed

It is difficult to discuss all the forces arrayed against the large cities near the coast.

Cities started out as places where manufacturing conglomerated. Or trade flowed through. Now, none of that exists in most cities in America. All that is left is a service industry, and the sales and marketing teams. Even the engineering is being done elsewhere.

People moved into cities because that is where the jobs were. Now, two things have happened, we have entered a recession (Greatest Depression) and people are demanding to work from home. Big companies are laying off staff. Now there are less jobs. Further, the people do not want to come into work. And, if you don't need to go to the big building in the city, why keep the big commercial building? Commercial real estate is really in trouble. Great big expensive buildings are being sold for dimes on the dollar. Soon, for pennies.

The manufacturing has left, now the jobs are leaving. Soon there will be nothing.

All that will be left are those who didn't have enough resources or insight to leave.

And then the pain really starts.

  • Storms from off the oceans get more fierce. Mud floods will be normal.
  • Woke crowds will take to the street as things get worse.
  • Crime will skyrocket
  • Services will fail
  • Food deliveries to cities will fail.
  • And then the food riots start

Coastal cities, and their suburbs will become places of desolation and destruction.
All those houses, that everyone considered their biggest asset, will be worthless.

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If you can't grow food on it, it is worthless

The price of food will continue to go up.
And if Horrible Harris gets her way, implementing price controls, then the amount of food will rapidly decrease.

I used to say you will need a garden. Grow some food, any food.
Now, it seems worse to me. T.H.E.Y. are killing off the cows and chickens. T.H.E.Y. are growing bugs. T.H.E.Y. are making the food situation as bad as possible.

So, you all really need to make plans, and implement them, to grow food and raise livestock.

You need enough land to do this. You will want enough land to build a homestead, for you and about 100 of your closest friends.

I know this will really seem like just doomer bullshit. All of our lives we have just gone to the store and bought food. We have little memory of times when there was no food you could afford, or worse, no food to buy.

We have time yet, but not much. The wheels fall off the behemoth slowly. But, unless you see ALL the farmers change to regenerative agriculture practices, and Monsanto is closed, then we are still on a path to food scarcity.

And without food constantly flowing into cities, the expensive housing will become worthless. Worthless as in, you can't even give it away. The suburban house shows its true colors. It is not an asset, it is only a liability.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.