Who Uses Presearch?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Presearch is one of the top 5 properties in the blockchain space, with more than 1.3 million registered users and 10 million monthly visits.

Presearch has an active community of advocates around the world who are helping to improve and promote the project in a decentralized fashion.
Regardless of where our members are located, there are some common threads that weave most members together:

-They value privacy and data ownership

-They are cryptocurrency enthusiasts and hold crypto

-They are largely web workers (people whose jobs dictate that they spend a lot of time online) and internet power users who like to customize their environments

-They are usually accessing Presearch from a computer instead of a mobile device, which is rare in today’s mobile-first world

-This means they are in research mode and also more likely to complete purchases and take action online

Search and earn:


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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I absolutely love Presearch. I've built a nice little bag of PRE too. I wish they'd get the withdraw issue straitened out or consider another blockchain, because it sucks waiting for the right price only to discover that you can't withdraw due to ridiculous GAS fees on Ehtereum.

It would be great if we talk them into becoming a HIVE token or even BinanceChain for that matter. Great search results though!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta