in LeoFinance6 months ago

Hello my dear friends inleo finance community, how is the day going?
Firstly I want to appreciate you all for your comments and support in my previous post, you all are wonderful and may God bless us all, Amen.


In my blog yesterday, I wrote on a topic titled: A little kindness My dear friends, something wonderful happened yesterday and that's the reason am writing this post to share with you all because you witness what happen while I was writing the post @themagus @syllem.


In this report, I will be sharing with you how a little kindness that I showed to someone later came back to me in a greater way.


Waking up yesterday morning, it was so Joyful because being alive is the first gift to nature/mankind.
A prayer of appreciation was offered to my creator as I started my morning activities.
I did some house cleaning 🧹🧼 and as time goes on, I decided to write a post on a title "A little kindness" why writing the post, I lady in my yard was asking a neighbor if you have just 50 naira so that she can add it to her money and pay a tricyclist that brought her home.

She was unable to get it from that neighbor, so I can out and give it to her. She was very happy and I was also happy because is always a pleasure to me when I show kindness.


Few minutes later, I went to barb my hair in a salon. When I got there, I meant two people are they are to barb before me. While waiting, another young man walk in and he was pretty in a haste due to the appointment he had. I noticed it via the call he was making and his restless attitude. And if we all are to barb before him, he is going to be very late so I concluded in my mind that when it gets to my turn, am going to allow him to barb so that he can meet up with his appointment.

When it got to my turn, the man tried pleading with me so I told him that he should go ahead and barb. He was very happy and I smiled and was happy because I put a smile on someones face.

After barbing he kept on appreciating me as I sat down to cut my hair. But guess what 🤔🤔, after my haircut, I wanted to pay but my barber told me that the young man has already paid for me.. 😳😳😳 I was so surprised and it came to my mind that "it pays to be kind".



My dear friends, this was a practical example of what happened and it was to me.
What goes around, comes around also, but don't put it in mind that anytime you help someone, you are going to be rewarded. Although your reward will come shortly or later but it might not be from who you helped.

"Good work pays and bad work pays, is left for you to choose your salary mood either bad or good."


The photographs are talking with Infinix Hot 10 pro and was edited with Snapseed app, they are original images.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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What a heart warming story my friend !!

Thanks very much sir, I sincerely appreciate you for stopping by and reading through my blog, I sincerely appreciate 🥰🥰🥰🥰.... It give me more Joy 😊😊 thanks for being kind to all....


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