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RE: LeoThread 2024-03-15 14:40

in LeoFinance3 months ago

LPUD 445 leo

Another Leo power is day has come, it's always a pleasure to partake in the power up. As we all know, 15th of every month is our community power us day, and today is the 15th day of March, a good day to power up hard 😅😅.

#threadstorm #outreach #lpud



Not bad. Not bad at all.

THanks a lot 👍👍.

I have tried as much as possible power up all my Leo for the period of one month. From the 15th of February to 15th of March, I was able to accumulate 445 Leo which I powered up today.


I think it's a wise decision for ever that wants to grow in his or her hive life to learn how to power up. It's not a wise decision for you to withdraw everything you earn for the month, there comes a time with you need to step up.


When I talks about stepping up, its a process of increasing your power so that you can be able to curate and to run other activities In the Blockchain.


For you to know more about my power up, kindly click on this link below and read through. Thanks for checking on my post, I sincerely appreciate you.
