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RE: 🐜🐜🐜 TIL: Termites Are Being Researched As A Renewable Energy Source 🐜🐜🐜

in LeoFinance β€’ 4 months ago

Interesting article! I can't help but notice that you've upvoted your own article though, is that on purpose?

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Β 4 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

Meh, imo it's like masturbation. Once a day it's ok, anything more is a bit too much unless you are young and naive. Opinions may vary

I actually agree. I mean, if you don't like what you write then why do you write it in the first place?
I have just noticed that many people look down on it. It probably won't do much to you, but the downvotes could be coming. Wouldn't want that for you fren