Trump is releasing his own NFT collection. Is this a signal of market bottom?

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

(image from under fair use)

Donald Trump is releasing his own NFT collection. Yes. You read that right. The 45th President of the US is releasing his own NFT collection.

Trump made the announcement himself through Truth Social, the social network he established after being banned from Twitter.

The NFT collection will feature Donald Trump trading cards, and it will cost a whopping $99 per card. Trump NFTs come at a moment when interest in NFTs has generally waned. The artwork looks kinda kitsch to be honest. It is as if they photoshopped Trump's head in different costumes. Plus, the cards come with a 10% royalty fee for secondary market sales.

The NFTs provide buyers exclusive access to a Trump managed MAGA community, autographs, 1 on 1 Zoom calls, dinner with Trump, golfing with Trump, and other perks.

This sounds like a Bored Apes Yatch Club but for Trump fans. What's next, TrumpDAO?

For hardcore MAGA supporters this could be a little digital paradise. The fan base of the former president will flock to mint the collections in hope of meeting Trump in person.

It should be noted that during different points of his presidency Trump had been anti-crypto. With this move he is contradicting his previous attitude towards the industry.

Is this a cash grab from Donald now that he is facing multiple lawsuits and mounting financial problems?

Is he using his MAGA fan base as exit liquidity?

Is this a bottom signal for crypto?

Do we live in a simulation?

Too many questions. I know.

PS: This post is not meant to be political. Neither it is an endorsement for Donald Trump and/or his NFT collection.

Trump's NFT collection sold out in less than 24hrs with 45,000 NFTs minted x $99/NFT = $4.5 millions

NFT degens are built differently.


lol I wont be buying any of those that's for sure. Plus his crap stance on crypto counted me out. A pro crypto president would be nice for once.

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Same, ain't minting. Just sharing the news

Maybe he was talked into this by Don, Jr.?

More seriously, though, what blockchain is being used for these NFTs?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Minted through Polygon. Idk, but it feels surreal. Like we're leaving in a simulation

Yay! 🤗
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It's amazing that they sold out fast.

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