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RE: Daily commenting strategy on Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I guess the difficulty I have with commenting is that I imagine it should feel natural, not like I'm forcing my presence into a discussion in a manner that feels out of place. The only way I can do that is by reading content until I find a discussion or topic that sparks an idea of merit, and then communicate it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We should be making comments using the strategy @forexbrokr outlines in this post, but there will be posts where we simply can't comment for whatever reason. In that case, we skip over until we find posts where we comment. So for us to leave at least 10 comments, we may need to skip over 1 or 2 posts and the comments in them.

Thankfully, the comments themselves give us opportunity to comment even if the post itself goes over our heads.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Makes sense to me

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Yeah, that's certainly a good point.

This is where finding the niche community that interests you may help.

For example I spend all of my time in the LeoFinance community so use the front-end's popular section.

As its a community I'm interested in, most posts in that stream I will have some sort of opinion on and if I don't, then I'm usually versed enough to be able to just ask more about the topic.

Something I couldn't do if say I was hanging out in the foodies community looking to catch the eyes of whales.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta