Post Rewards Now Displayed In $$?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Screenshot of Cflclosers cflclosers — LeoFinance 2.jpg

I know there was a lot of work going on behind the scenes on @leofinance and I think the reward display has change.

What was once displayed in LEO is expressed US $$ and the amount seems to correspond correctly with my wallet earnings.

If this remains, it's a super cool update which takes a lot of mental gymnastics out of my life. If I'm not correct I'm ok with that too lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You can choose in settings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting @oldtimer . I had no idea that was a setting but I certainly didn't go in and change anything on my end. I like the USD display because I plan to power up the value of the autovotes I receive. This makes it so much easier!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep the update just went live :)

You can actually change the payout display in your settings page on

  • USD
  • LEO
  • USD and LEO

Hovering over a post payout will also show both USD and LEO

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Does it works the same as in Hive, 50/50 payout or thats the actual amount the post author gets?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

works the same as 50/50 payout from Hive, but dividing by 2 isn't that hard lol. But if you go into your settings you now have 3 display options.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta