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RE: Loving PolyCub but...I think I love the original CUB even more.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

lots of choices and as a defi amatuer it is almost too much lol. If cub is the base do for see a time when people come running back from polycub to cub? Right now Im putting my tiny airdrop and farm yeilds into xpolycob and paying the fee. Seems like for now the best way to go but for how long? That is definitely not what I'm good figuring out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, I just put one more batch of harvests into the xPolyCUB and now I think I might be done. I might keep putting my airdrop in there but I think I'm just going to keep my farm harvests and start the 90 day clock ticking. Who knows what they'll be worth when they finally come unlocked least this way I'll build up a nice stake. Once they come loose I'll decide if I want to stay in PolyCUB with them or convert them to CUB or...something else.

A lot may depend on how much impact these press releases have. If the TVL starts climbing, then it may be best just to pay the penalty and put them in xPolyCUB. At least there you have the ability to get out whenever you want. It would suck to wait the 90 days and then watch the price tank on day 85. If the penalties scaled down as the unlocking day came closer it would be a little easier but...they don't.

In the meantime, like I said in the article, I'm stacking as much of the original CUB as I can. Not only are you getting 60% right now but you're also getting another 55-56 days of airdrops from it. Hard to go too wrong with that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yeah, I just gotta figure out when it makes no sense to put .5 polycub into the xpolycub. I tend to harvest 1 poly at a time from the pleo-wmatic pool. I'm not a math guy.

I do see that value in converting back to regular cub when these prices tank.

I still don't have any real grasp of why people will demand these tokens in the future. I want to figure it out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta