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RE: The Worlds Best Capital Allocators

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Just like bonds are in a work around for the rich to take from the poor so too is the stock market. We only see the stories of the winners because the losers in this story would unravel the whole thing

The game isn't a level playing field, not that Bitcoin is either since they can tempt weak hands with loads of money but at least you have a chance here


totally agree, at least with crypto most of the coin are help by the common people, not jsut by those big corporation. untill they bring out tons of money to bought the crypto just like how they do it in bitcoin.

Well a lot of these alt coins are VC funded so there's plenty that have major corporate bags, yes they are also buying Bitcoin now but they HAVE to buy it with these alts, they can set their allocations based on their funding rounds, so I try to watch who backs these various alts, and stick close to BTC

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