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RE: 10K LEO Locked Time For A New Target

in LeoFinance3 years ago

That's the attitude, its the same for me too, I don't need this money and it comes in handy to try new things lets say CUB launches something new I have tokens to go and try it.

The first few take a while to stack, but as you grow your curation rewards for upvoting with your stake continue to compound. I've been posting here daily for 3 years now, lol so glad it wasn't a total waste

Also staking LEO you will have access to their latest airdrop coming soon, I've also received CINE tokens for holding LEO so they do become a gift that continues to give

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh wow 3 years is impressive, that is the perseverance I hope to have! I'm definitely here for the long run, so very excited about what's planned for the future!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta