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RE: Understanding The Phenomenon Of Spending Culture; The Reason Why An Average Earner Feels Rich.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Spending money is easier than making money so feeling rich is better than being rich. It's a weird flex culture that promotes this fake it till you make it. The spending culture is driven by the incentive to keep borrowing and creating debt to create new money in the system, its a product of economic policy and why savers are currently losers.

In my investment career I've always held one ideal, buy panic, sell mania, whenever people are excited about something I sell it, when they are shitting on something but the fundamentals are good I buy it and its served me well so far

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You're 100% right, i usually 80% save and most times I tend to lose more. Having some asset makes me feel rich while I'm really not rich persay . I however try to maintain a stance this days that having investments don't automatically translates to being rich

Absolutely, I try to remind myself of that too, that it isn't realised gains it's only paper wealth and I can't be too tied to it, there is no guarantee anyone would pay me that money for that asset and its only on belief

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly, no guarantees only having that belief and holding hope as well.