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RE: The Insidious Wage Deflation

in LeoFinance3 years ago

LOL when you put it that way I don't feel as poor, lol okay maybe just a little.

Oh for sure there's places that rival European and US in terms of decadence and shit but there's also a lot of shit holes too, and the in-between, like any place it takes all sorts, we all inherited the fiat systems + "democracies" wealth distribution its all applied on various scales.

That's what I've been saying, the interference is only profitable for a select few and is sold on the basis of "doing good" and it "feels" good especially for so-called intellectuals. Just like giving a poor person a million bucks and leaving them to their own devices, they'll be broke pretty soon as they have never needed to navigate the pitfalls of wealth. If I strip a rich man of all his money his not going to be a millionaire in his life again because his never had to navigate the pitfalls of poverty.

I don't like this we know what's best for you story, I hate when middle-class people say shit like oh all the poor need to do is get a job, look at me. First of all, you've been middle class so long you have no idea what the trade-offs of being poor is like its not a binary situation, so stop thinking everything is a quick fix.

I am just thumb sucking here but it basically sounds like legislation and political affiliations is their resource. If I look at other countries here, especially my own, we have 11 official languages, but different provinces aren't exactly mandating different rules. Let's say tomorrow Quebec does sign, are they going to be enforcing of french they way they do now, probably not, English people will come in arbitrage their workforce down with efficiency, reduce wages and they'll face more competition. That's probably only one thing I know but like you say transport and logistics across the province would become more efficient, they'd have less bargaining power and so they need to also bend the knee more often.

To me, it sounds like a protectionist racket. It's like the parent that gives in to the child all the time, you get a spoilt brat after they see that it works. Until the hand that feeds them closes, nothing will change, there's no incentive.

Oh you should see how bad it is here like we had 2 power stations that were built by the French, it cost billions and they don't work. We spent billions on getting trains from China, they don't fit on our rails.

We spent billions on new coal mines, the Indian owners of that company are long gone but all that robbery is done under the guise of "we\re creating jobs" never mind many of them are dig a hole on money and fill it by friday jobs.

We have raging blackouts here and they did an audit on our power stations and they say we overstaffed by 60% compared to international standards of the same size and still can't get the shit right


I get what you are saying now with the giving a person a million dollars so on, that's what I was getting at with refugees that don't make it here. It's not they have bad ethics or are bad people, their way of life doesn't coincide with ours, many were probably happier before western interference even tho we saw them as "poor". Here for the first two years for a family of 5, they can get about $40 000 per year from social program for 2 years to help them re-establish but (most regular jobs without a degree don't pay that much to begin with), go to school learn english, learn skills and familiarize (that's not bad either, very livable). That was fine and dandy all was good until they didn't do as much progress as they needed and when the free money runs out it's sink or swim, some get taken by surprise, my old neighbors were some of them and I was sad to see it happen to them as I tried to warn them to take it more seriously ( I was one of their go to's for western situations they didn't quite grasp or questions). Intentions were good on all sides but, not quite the intended results. They got used to a unrealistic lifestyle for 2 years.

That's why we want to separate from Canada, we don't like to be told what's best for us and we don't like our gov sticking their noses in foreign business where it doesn't belong but they paint us for a bunch of rednecks. We pledge no allegiance to that queen either. That's why he has a beef, the current PM's daddy tried to pass some globalist bs when he was PM and alberta stood up an squashed it and threw it right back in his face and made him look foolish. Since then they have a family beef against the whole province. Why we get along better with the other branch of the poison tree, as long as we give them money to squander, they let us be. It's not that we like them better, they are all tools and crooks in the end and those that aren't have no power within their ranks.

Quebec has always acted like a petulant child and most of Canada dislikes them, every English person moves away from there because of community bullying from the french. I am french btw and my family is from quebec, why my grammar is probably shady at best but I got away. They are fucked over there but that has a lot of political roots and resentment from old battles and beefs between the 2 that stem from before settling N-A, to be fair they don't even get along amongst themselves either. They had a referendum to separate in the 90's but it was 51% no to 49% yes. Almost got rid of them!

There has been a lot of war there between the 3 factions around the early settlements with entire villages torched and stuff, churches full of people locked inside then lit on fire, Bounties for "indigenous aka indian scalps", mass deportation by packing up women and children on boats and dropped off at random in Louisiana and the Caribbean's while the men where burning in the locked churches (Creole are our long lost cousins and derived from french) . The indigenous too had major problems with the brittish. The Brittish mostly won until the the first battle they lost that ended the war at the border of Quebec and New-Brunswick (where I grew up) because french men that were left in NB alerted the Natives on the quebec border and fought em off together ultimately ending the war but quebec will never pledge allegiance to the brittish and our government observes the brittish queen. Of course that was in the 1600's and 1700's but there is a lot oh healing that never took place both in the land and in the hearts.

Quebec was settled by elite royal and highly placed families fleeing war in Europe, most of the 110 families my ancestor was charged with in the 1600's as military commander were high dignitaries mostly living at the french palace before they came here as the first official french crown successful settlement (4th attempt, all others resulted in 90% death). New-Brunswick french population was the run-away field workers and such so considered a different french. Quebec always had roots to french elitism and sense of entitlement from the beginning before they even came here and everyone just gives in because most of our Prime - Ministers are from there, many head of corrupt corporations are headquartered there as well, they are exempt from many regulations, they get in government and create loopholes for themselves the whole thing is just rigged that they never lose power. As an example, during the pandemic, our PM slipped a clause that he would be the sole decision maker in any financial decision for Canada for the remainder of his term, someone found it burred and contested and got squashed but how democratic was that initial bill! Gives a pretty good view of the ego in play. It's not protectionist move or they think they hold more power by staying independent, they control the show no matter what. It's the deep state/ political swamp of Canada and that is all. They are just contrarian to anything, as far as my Alberta education is recognized in every country, all around the world except quebec. Petty or what?

Because a place has no money doesn't mean they need help and intervention and the west can't see that, they do more harm trying to help. Haiti is going thru that right now. They had a system, they never had money but they were living life, I'm sure it still had it's flaws, many in the same type of housing you described in an earlier reply than the earthquake happened and politics got involved, they are worst off now than they were and all the money the world donated for the cause has just been syphoned away, most of the money never makes it to the people that actually need the help. We had a natural disaster ourselves and it was the most donations ever generated in the history of the red cross, the initial promise was everything was going to help the fire victims, raised something like a trillion dollars and barely helped the people. This was years ago and some don't even have their houses yet, they can't move away either or they wont get their property insurance because they are getting the run around there too. Many people here give to these types of causes wanting and thinking they do good for the poor African with the "flies around their heads and shit" and clef palet kids or some poor orphan in some forgotten Asian hill but they never look at what these organizations actually do and how they are destructive.

They do the same here with the waste of tax payer projects that are un-usable or half built and abandoned, it's sickening. They cater to the corrupt for the sake of "saving or creating jobs" but it's just a cover for fat payouts among themselves, we have caught them in the act and have been trying to get them prosecuted for years but we have no recourse because there is no integrity. Our last Attorney General got fired because she refused to defer prosecution on the one company SNC Lavalin, that better believe it is wrecking shit in your country too and cashing in like bandits, they are notorious for the failed or over budget took twice as long to build the shittiest product on the market train projects here, from the sounds of it, you might have experience in that department too. No matter what we call for, police enquiry everything, the population keeps getting gaslighted and taken for fools. A lot of Canadians know they are destroying the world worst than they are destroying us but even if we don't spend money at their business, they get subsidized by tax payer for eternity like Bombardier even if they contribute nothing of value to society.

We have a state of the art new refinery that captures it's own garbage and can process crude instead of needing to upgrade (saving a step in production, originally a $8billion project that went over budget but I don't remember how much total), first of it's kind in the world but the piping modules were built in China shops instead of our shops and had us assemble it in the field only rather than do the whole thing from producing the steel all the way to installation (because we are not cheap) as soon as they fired it up, all the piping cracked and entire units needed replacing also destroying other equipment. It's been a few years since they have been trying to fire it up and it keeps crashing. Good for me tho because I'm the one that goes in to fix it every time 😂🤣🤑. But that's partly government owned so...

They are trying to mine coal here too and deface our Rockies. Like WTF we are fighting it with the province currently but who knows. We value the rockies far more than a dirty coal mine that's probably going to get shipped to china because coal is on the way out for our energy production. So this stuff goes on all over the world, some places worst than others obviously, we still have more recourse to protecting ourselves here compared to many other countries.

Also by saying poor people, I don't mean there is anything wrong with it if one is happy with their circumstances that's fine, it's not for me but New brunswick is like that and many enjoy it. Where I have a problem is everyone getting jealous of the middle class and it's up to us to pay for the exuberance their heart desires and scream it's not fair to everyone else that is already paying their way to begin with via social programs, it's a slap in the face. Can't complain about being stuck in a dead end job with no opportunity when turning down good paying jobs because it's not the type of work desired or say a welfare check isn't enough to get a cell phone so eat the middle class. Can't afford school but goes out to the bar 3 nights a week type people. Maybe that point got lost somewhere. Because I haven't know anything outside of middle clss for so long doesn't mean I don't know the benefits and downfalls of being poor. I didn't get where I am magically. Get this, I was dumped by my mom at 10 to be raised as the property of the province and dumped into the streets to fend for myself at 15 with no adult, no social programs to help me picking cans out of the garbage to feed myself or sleeping at the train station when it was too cold out as a freaking kid, in ths country it's actually illegal to treat children this way. I never had anything new until I was an adult including clothes and sox. Don't act like I don't know poverty's cause I have been here so long, there is a fucking reason I pushed myself to be here I am now.