The Cheapest Way To Buy Goods In The US Using HIVE or HBD

in LeoFinance2 years ago

If you've earned some tokens on here and you've tried to purchase something in the real world you would know what a ball ache it is, no one accepts HIVE or any of its tokens apart from a few exchanges. So you're forced to stack a certain amount of coins that make sense for you to use an instant swap service or dox your holdings to a centralised exchange, swap it for stablecoins or fiat and then use those funds to make purchases.

By the time you've made your purchase you've lost so much value through conversions and time, does it really warrant doing it at all?

I personally don't think so, but that doesn't you can't do it, there are some nifty new apps available that make it far easier to swap your coins for a few groceries or a meal, and can do it way cheaper and faster than any of the current methods you've been using.


If you're in the US

Download The Bitcoin Company App on your iOS or Android device, you can run it anonymously or using an email address. Once you have the app set up, you can pick from gift cards available from various retail chains across the country.

Select the value of gift card you would like to purchase and click purchase, you will then get a Lightning QR code or Invoice which you would need to settle.

You can then visit -

and settle the invoice by using your HIVE or HBD and purchase the gift card.

Once the purchase is confirmed you will have the gift card and code in the app along with sats you earned as part of the reward program.

You can then take that voucher code and pay for your real-world items, without having to go through all that exchange hassle and pay any crazy fees.

Note: If you'd like you can use my referral code: 8SW11Z

If you're outside the US

Fret not, I would not leave the rest of the world out of the deal, I am not even in the US myself lol, so if you're not living in Biden land there are other options for you.

You can use the same method I described above, but instead of using the bitcoin company, use Bitrefill instead, they also accept lightning and other tokens as well as host a wider selection of retailers in various regions around the world.

You can download the app or use the website, sign up, find the retailer's vouchers you prefer, and checkout and select pay with the lightning network.

Your voucher codes will be emailed to you and kept in your account for future reference.

Now isn't that easy? So go ahead, have a beer on me!

Have your say

What do you good people of HIVE think?

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, "I am a Jessie."

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A question- would i earn BTC hosting a lightning network node? or is it a voluntary way to secure BTC network?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes you can earn fees running a routing node, answering liquidity ads or providing liquidity to lightning pools

Umbrell is a product that would help in running a routing node, right?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes that's correct, you can use umbrell or other LN node implementations using your full node and then start creating channels with your liquidity and start routing payments, there is also things like watch towers and trampoline nodes which you an also explore and channel factories will be a future option for those wanting to help scale and support LN

Good information for those requiring some way on bringing their bounty down for use in the world today!

@tipu curate 2

What's the point in stacking if you don't treat yourself once in a while

Sound advice, one needs to enjoy living as well 🤣

Something to read of interest Africa

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