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RE: Staking Instead Of Market Making - Being The Boring LEO

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Yeah I didn’t have enough stake to power down that would make it worth matching with ETH I’d have to buy a fair bit of LEO to let’s say match 1 ETH which got pricey very quickly so I thought what the hell im not going to cash LEO all the way up

The fees was nuts when I claimed my uniswap tokens so yeah I’m not keen on paying ETH miners

Will maybe do some market making on dswap from next month


Good luck with that, the spreads are so low, it won´t be easy. And if they are not, then you can have bad luck and end up sitting on some tokens which are going down.

Thanks for the advice yeah I get that it’s not the most attracive place to play in but I’m doing it more as a experiment just to see how it works and what your earning potential can be! I think if there are BTC and ETH pairs we might see some action