Purchasing Packs and Increasing My Fans

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yesterday, I decided to purchase some card packs and opened three of them. The reason I started buying card packs again was because I needed to more fans to do the special mission “STARBITS Millionaire” as the previous update of the game increases the fans requirement by a lot.

The STARBITS Millionaire mission reward player with 10,000 STARBITS (plus bonus after the update) upon completion. Players can run the mission once a day which mean one can earn 10,000+ STARBITS from the mission alone. Sadly, the new requirement made it impossible for the holders of the Millionaire card to do the mission, including myself.

As I have been hesitant to buy more packs, my Millionaire card remained unused for quite some time. After mulling for a long time and getting over the disappointment brought by the new update, I decided to bite the bullet and increase my collection, so that I could hopefully, get enough cards for the aforementioned special mission.

Now that my rant is over, let's get to opening the packs.


Opening the first pack netted me an i104 Retro Desk Mic, 101 Daniel which gives me 10 additional fans, and a rare card: R254 Rudolph which gives me an additional 100 fans and 125 skill. Not a bad pull.


The second pack gave me an i107 Plum Bass, another 101 Daniel (10 fans), and a rare card: R252 Dane which gives an additional 125 fans and 100 skill. I think this pack is better than the first pack as it gives more fans.


In my third pack, I was able to pull a 97 Leyla which gives 10 additional fans, an i195 Bata Drum, and a rare card: R241 Daz which gives an additional 135 fans and 120 skill. The third pack was without a doubt the best out of three packs that I have opened as Daz has better stats than both Rudolph and Dane.

So those are the cards that I was able to pull after opening three packs. Sadly, I wasn’t able to pull an epic or a legendary card but that’s just how RNG works, I guess. Still, it wasn’t a bad pull as I was able get an additional 390 fans which brings my total fans to 6360 which is still a long way from my target. That said I’m planning to buy more packs so I’ll be able to do the STARBITS Millionaire mission again, eventually.

Anyway, I’ll end this article here as I’ve said what needed to be said. Thank you for reading, and see you all again next time.

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