
Lol I haven't really been following along the entire drama and have been skipping it once I saw it. I do have a small idea about what happened but its just another tribe token I am gathering. I didn't buy any so all of it is generated on chain and I don't particularly care as much.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

fair enough :)

Thank you very much. I always appreciate a deal. I no nothing of the drama of which you speak. I gave up drama for Lent (I am sorry is my former Catholicism showing? 😂).

In any case, your memes are always funny and greatly welcomed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love making fun of Hive drama, it's usually very childish and dumb :P

I only saw a couple of posts but I didn't really understand what caused it...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

some whale got upset on being blacklisted

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta