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RE: After Paid

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Some crazy stuff this insistence on keeping debt. It’s like a cheap 80’s movie where there’s going to be the cash 4 title loans all over the place. I think eventually it’s going to be putting your life as collateral with these things. If I get X loan, I’ll work for the slave shop for x number of years. Definitely not the right direction we are headed down!

It reminds me of the controversial stance that the world economic form cronies had that many Americans didn’t like. The peons didn’t like what our message was, quick let us rebrand and regroup!

Their message was “you’ll own nothing and be happy” as a way to promote us lower folk from not owning property, or even an appliance. It would all be leased and paid to the companies.


oh, I will answer the second part here :D

For decades we have been pushed away from ownership and finally we are beginning to see what the cost of not buying was. Crypto is probably the only way out of this mess now.