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RE: Klaus Schwab And The Great Reset

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Great discussion here! I never trust those ancestry type companies. I make sure to tell any friends or family that they are making a big mistake by giving them their information because they just end up selling it.

We tend to be at more and more precipices as of late, where we could as a society just fall to either side at the slightest misstep.

One thing that I find interesting is that we are embracing technology but also not planning for an event where this technology becomes inoperable. Could be just because I have been watching more different viewpoints on human civilization but our reliance on the computer and electricity driven components like this make it incredibly vulnerable if there were an event to happen that knocks things out. In some ways our priorities are skewed to strange avenues, instead of coming up with better ways to turn things like hydrogen into a fuel to run a machine we are focusing on batteries. That is obviously nuanced and influenced by those with interest in profiting off it but the equal pace we depend on electricity and computer technology, we should be trying to pursue ways to not be so dependent on it. Could end up have just rambled more there at the end but I think we are vulnerable in our ego that nothing bad happens to the planet from external sources.


our reliance on the computer and electricity driven components like this make it incredibly vulnerable if there were an event to happen that knocks things out.

This is where decentralized comes into play. Centralized entities are vulnerable. We need to push technology further out so it becomes more resilient. This is why decentralized energy is an important move.

Like all things, it is a matter of how it is implemented and on what time frame they do it.

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