Buying Cards in Splinterlands Inlucing Rebellion Cards

in LeoFinance7 months ago

I am changing my strategy from this time on getting the cards. Previously I used to get card packs and then open it thinking I will get good cards. I have got some good card too, but not that great cards because I buy only limited number of packs. So this time the strategy is that I will buy some packs and along with that I will buy individual cards which I feel is good for play.


So today I decided to buy some cards including some of the Rebellion cards mainly Torch Vizier and Ujurak Mystic. Along with that I have bought Sea Genie and Water Caller.


So now I have 6 Rebellion cards. I wanted to move Ujurak to the next level, so will continue to buy it whenever I have some fund.


Torch Vizier

It is one of the Rare Rebellion cards for the Fire Elements. I have bought this card because of the Opportunity ability as well as the speed is quite good. I have one of the opportunity card in Fire element but it had only 1 life so having more life with more speed is actually a great ability to have. I will use it with my existing Fire elements mainly when I use the Fire Summoner.

Ujurak Mystic

To be honest, I do not have good magic cards in the Earth Element and thus wanted to get some. It is one of the cheaper card available in the market and I like its Lookout ability so that damages to the adjacent cards reduces. This is good card to have in your lineup for some of the rules of combat.


I have also listed down some of the good cards in Water Element for the Magic, Melee for Death and others. And all these cards are in my wish-list and will buy when I will see an opportunity or whenever I have some extra money.

Actually I play in the Wild format and in that format I get some great players who have some great cards. So with the current lineup I cannot counter them. So for me I have to always lookout for some cards which can help me to play these guys. Since I am slowly and steadily moving towards the Gold league, I have to increase my inventory to get some cards to play the big players.

I know I have to invest some amount to get really good cards and I will be doing that slowly and steadily. We all know that in Splinterlands if you want to win more and more games you need to have good cards as well as summoners at the highest level possible and for that you need to spend continuously. So It's not like that you should spend big money at once, slowly directing some funds in the Splinterlands can help you achieve whet ever you want.

So I will continue buying some of the cards which I think will be useful for me in the lineup. Along with the Rebellion cards I have also made a purchase of cards like Sea Genie mainly for the Flying Rules of Combat.


I think this is the best strategy, although individual cards (commmons!) seem expensive!

True, it's expensive so that's why it's better to both Card Packs and Individual Cards...because sometimes card packs doesn't give that great cards which you always wanted to have in your collection.

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The strategy which you are going to change seems to be interesting and amazing...

Yes, let's see how it plays out

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

With the new system of Rebellion packs right now (i.e. staking, supply), do you think current prices are justifiable? I bought a lot of CL packs when it first came out, unfortunately, it wasn't a good investment. I haven't bought new packs eversince (including Riftwatchers).

I'm thinking maybe it's better to just buy individual cards straight from market, but only after a few months when prices are more stable and predictable. Though right now, seems like there are not much cards out there yet; hence, not much available in rentals as well.