My Splinterlands Journey

in LeoFinance6 months ago

I have been on Hive for more than 6 years and I know about Splinterlands when it was launched. It was my reluctance about the new games as well as the time required to play reduced my early interest in the game. I was one of the early adopter of the Splinteralands having joined when it was recently launched, some time in June 2018. So let me share my journey of ups and downs in the splinterlands as a conservative investor.

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Discovery of Splinterland

I can across splinterlands, when it was just started on the Hive blockchain. And everyone was talking about it. So after just reading about it from every other Hiveans, I too have started my journey and then bought a spellbook. But the mistake I have done is to not invested much money or time at that time and thus after say 1 year I have playing it more seriously.

Duration of Participation

Though I can say that I have joined Splinterlands 5.5 years back, but I have played regularly from the last 3 years. And when I have started seriously all the assets on the splinterlands was skyrocketed and I have to invest little by little to make my cards look great.

So I being a veteran but still I feel a newbie who have to learn a lot of the game and in the meantime invest small amount every now and then to play in the bigger leagues and have good cards and assets in the game.

Time spent in Splinterlands

I spent almost half an hour daily on Splinterlands for playing. And most of the time my energy does not get consumed fully. But I make sure that I play enough to get good number of chests at the end of the season. The time increases in the weekends when I have more time but still I was not able to spend more than a hour in the game.


Though I have some accomplished not that much but still I have my share of happiness. Firstly and foremost, I have some of the great cards or NFTs from some of the oldest packs which helps me to play in theWild category. I was able to play in the Gold League 3 for quite some time since I have cards as well as SPS staked.

Upcoming Goals

The simple goals for splinterlands to slowly and steadily build my assets in the game. Along with that I will continue to invest slowly and steadily to play in teh higher leagues. So need to have good cards to play in the Gold League 2 or Gold League 1. And the goal which I have for the year is to have more than 10K SPS staked this year.

Advice to Begineers

If you are someone who is just getting into the splinterlands, I would say that you should explore the game more and more to see your likings in the game. There are mainly 5 elements in the game, you can try to have good cards in some of the elements so that it becomes your strong hold. Also try to get some of the Epic and Legendary cards if you can, because that can make a huge difference.

Lastly enjoy playing the game, because if you don't enjoy it will bore you. So what I do is to play the game with different strategy all the times like sometimes playing the Wild and sometimes only the Modern. Also take part in contest to win packs or cards which can help you to get started.

If you want to play Splinterlands then you can join it here.

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