Showing Positive Rather than Negative

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I was searching for investing in Bitcoin on an Auto-Pilot mode so that it will buy on my behalf every day, like Dollar Cost Averaging. I stumbled upon Binance Auto-Invest which shows the Historic ROI, I remember when I last checked they didn't had 3 Year ROI, but today they have introduced the 3YR ROI to show how much return you can get if invested for 3 years.


Similarly, when I clicked 1 year, 6 months or others it's all red because of the bear market. I do not deny the fact that in the long term Bitcoin creates wealth but this is the psychology of the human mind that they take positive in a much better way than the negative.


Its not about in Binance only, everywhere where I was checking similar things they have changed their returns from a 1-year window to a 3-year window just to show the growth you get when invested for a long term. This is good too because we all know when invested for a longer duration you will surely get benefits and that is the case with every token or stock.

I think this is the time for people to start the dollar cost averaging or start purchasing their favourite coins as the bear market has taken over. I was buying Hive literally every day with the HBD I have for the averaging and will continue to buy so that I can average out my Hive purchases. I am thinking of doing the same with Bitcoin too, to start purchasing in small quantities for getting to that point where I can say that I have 1 BTC in my portfolio.

So coming back to the topic, what do you think is it good to show positive than negative just even for some time?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The mind of investing in crypto right now makes worry just two days before I lost my 300+$ on leveraging. :(

Yeah now it's time to accumulate through SIP mode.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

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DCA + Long term + Good project + booking profits = Financial success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's summed up really well...

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I think it's always better to focus on the positive but it's not good to ignore the negative. Otherwise, if another LUNA happens, you will be caught unprepared.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's absolutely true, take positives and do not ignore negative.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile