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RE: Hive, anniversaries, community and collaboration

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Thank you, Denise :) I do it with pleasure. I was so helped by those prize delegations that Fiona gives and the HivePUD and HPUD pools that it's the least I can do, to help those who start and commit to making power up.

I hope you are enjoying your Sunday. And congratulations on your 5th anniversary on Hive.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you! Im still doing #MarketFriday! But, it's a good day. :)

I delegate when I can help someone new, or give $$ if it would be more beneficial. Off cycle, usually. As long as we all keep helping make a difference, we will succeed!

I agree with you, we can make a difference by helping when we can, and that will help in the success of Hive and all of us. Have a lovely week 😊🪴🌸