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RE: The Hive Engagement League πŸ†

in LeoFinance β€’ 2 years ago

I just replied to your messages of this morning, and I already have my notifications full of your messages again. That's great πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Hope makes more comments than Jackie. She's a machine at making them lol

Glad your morning was fantastic. Hope your back isn't bothering you.

Haha Super Ed, engagement mode!!!! 🀣🀣🀣
I wish Ageese would just limit himself to using the TV remote, haha. He likes to climb up the furniture and stand in front of the screen πŸ˜‚.

I think I'm going to make myself another coffee β˜•οΈ β˜•οΈ I'm looking forward to that WOTW 😺

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jeje crazy engagement mode yes we need that every so often, it is fun!
Ah Ageese Ageese naughty wee Ageese, I don't want to tempt fate and put it in the Universe so I will whisper it ... how are the cables, is he still attacking them
there I whispered it and I presume you did make another coffee.
Could you make me one.
Well my back is just great today, when we have solid weather it is fine, it is the change in weather which brings a change in barometric pressure that caused the problems.
Yeah Hope is a machine, she really does comment like crazy, and always bang on the money too. I think she has learnt to speed read like me:)

Your coffee is on its way hehe. β˜•οΈ

Ageese still bites the wires sometimes, but we are careful not to leave the charger cables within his reach, hehe. But there are days when he bites everything in his path, I think he is about to molt teeth.

You will have to come and spend some time in the tropics so you won't have any problems with your back, Super Ed.

And yes Hope is a very impressive commentator, even more so than Jackie, to be honest.

jeje thank you Super Eli, I am drinking it now:)
ah his baby teeth, oh yes he will want to chew then if he is about to lose those!
Yes some good weather that stays good is great.
Yes Hope really is and I hope she gets number one next week:)