Gambling Dapp Dividends Report | Accumulation Goal Completed!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I am keeping close track of my Gambling Dapp Portfolio that includes BFG (, WIN (, & SBET ( and make regular updates on how exactly they are doing showing what can be expected for those interested...

I have been in an accumulation mode increasing my holdings in all 3 projects for the last 13 weeks cost-average buying the dips in 8 of those and I now feel I have my positions fully filled. I am still looking for similar dividend-paying projects to invest in as a way to diversify and if there are big dips I might add some more. For now, I'm switching to buying other altcoins with some big upside potential that don't pay dividends. (WIN)

I bought 2.5M more WIN last week getting my total back up to 20 Million which I aim to keep it at for now. The price I paid for each WIN was around 0.0003$. The dividends in the mean time continue to hold up in a good zone and the 100-day moving average for the Dividends in Dollars that represent 1M WIN are now at a all-time high since I started tracking them. The news of Tron introducing USDD giving +30% Flat yield on it kind of triggered me to do the last buy instead of waiting for potentially lower prices.

Overall Wink long-term looks quite healthy where it is at now and the entire journey cost-averaging while everything was low followed by taking some profit at the pump and buying it back recently getting dividends each and every day has been a profitable one. (SBET)

For a long time, the dividends for SBET were released to be claimed systematically on Monday around 11:00 European time with the occasional short delay as they are done manually. Last week, it took until later in the day and this week they have not been released yet. I asked the support inside the sportsbook and they said that they will be released soon which I don't doubt. When asking what the reason was for the delay they said they were going to ask the responsible department but I never got a reply back.

When checking the accounts, everything is there so there hasn't been a hack or anything like that. The thing that annoys me is that there is no communication around it whatsoever and I take this as somewhat of a red flag and sign of caution. I don't want to delay this post another day so I will count no dividends from SBET and maybe next week have double. (BFG)

BFG still gives solid dividends but now after 45+ weeks of tracking everything it kind of shows that the overall inflation is just very high while the yearly returns right now aren't as they used to above 100%. It does make me wonder how things will move forward. When I started tracking 45 weeks ago there was a total of 1.43 Billion BFG minted and by now this increased to 2.58 Billion, The amount if BFG staked went from 1.22 Billion to 2.44 Billion.

Theoretically, this should slow down a lot as it always gets more expensive to mine BFG while the more BFG in circulation fewer gets added Procentually. Still I can't help but feel that 'revenue' from the site is in a large degree just indirect inflation.

I do still very much like BFG as a product and the price of BFG is also holding up while dividends are nothing to complain about. I will just keep my position and see where it all goes.

APY Based on Current Price and Dividends from the last 7 days

ProjectAPY (BFG)+55% APY (SBET)+ ???% APY (WIN)+38% APY

Note: Token prices going up or down have a major influence on the actual returns going forward either amplifying them if they go up or destroying them when the price goes down.

Personal Gambling Dapp Portfolio
Without the SBET dividends this week I 'only' had 158.17$ worth of dividends. I will see how I will do it next week possibly having double the SBET dividends or just dividing those by 2 to keep a clean chart. Right now I'm holding 20M WIN / 6M SBET / 513k BFG/ 10k TRX / 76 LIVE | 2271 RAKE. I am looking the diversify more looking for good gambling dapps that pay the losses from the gambler to those holding a token, so if you have one on your radar make sure to let me know...

Full Guides to Decentralized Crypto Bookies I personally use where no KYC is required allowing anonymous betting from any location without individual limits for winning players...

I will be back in a week with the next update...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


*** Just minutes after the post, the SBET Dividends were paid. I'll work them into next weeks post to keep the charts clean.